Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Fall Favorites at Trader Joe's

Hey friends! I cannot believe it is Thursday already...this week has flown by! Today I am doing another round up of some favorites at Trader Joe's....Fall Edition. I saw this meme and had to laugh......
Because, Trader Joe's is not really close to my house, or really convenient to get to....but I venture out there every 4-6 weeks for some of our favorites. This was my first time there in the Fall season and I got some yummy Fall favorites.
You can check out my favorite staples from TJ's in these posts.

So here is a quick roundup of some of my favorites at Trader Joe's, Fall edition. 
 Their Kringle is a special treat. They don't always have it and when they do, it seems to be a different, seasonal flavor. This was my first time trying the pumpkin caramel and it was good! Perfect for a little afternoon treat. I have heard a lot of people say they freeze well.. they would be great to have on hand for Thanksgiving. 
Also, I really should have snapped a pic of the kringle out of the package... #bloggerfail
These are just tortilla chips, but so cute! I bought a couple bags, and put some away for Thanksgiving.  
These just looked fun for Fall.. with chili or salsa.. a different twist on chips. 
And if you need something to dip those chips in, may I recommend this? 
So good, with just the right amount of heat.
Speaking of heat, I saw someone talking about these and I had to try them. I love pickles and I love spicy...and I love these! I put them on a charcuterie board and they were a hit at the party. Definitely grabbing a few more jars of these!
Trader Joes' always has some of the best hummus selection. This Buffalo Style did not disappoint! Some celery, carrots and this were the perfect snack for the game last weekend.
\These egg frittatas were a recommendation from a friend. They are a quick and easy breakfast idea. Paul puts one on some toast or a roll to make a breakfast sandwich. A great freezer staple.
This is my new favorite fall treat. These pumpkin waffles and the pumpkin butter taste like Fall on a plate. I spread a little of the pumpkin butter and then a little almond butter and it's my new favorite breakfast. Luke topped his with the pumpkin butter and some whipped cream....for a little evening tasted like dessert!
This one is not too exciting, but I always stock up on these. They just make the weeknights easier...pop one of the pre-portioned bags in the microwave and voila...rice is done!
They had what I would call a "Welcome to Fall" display or a "All Things Pumpkin" display set up. There was everything pumpkin, from coffee, to salsa to body lotion. It was a pumpkin lovers dream! I love the Fall I got sucked into these candles. And now the kitchen smells perfect 😉
For whatever reason, I don't think I have made it to Trader Joe's in the holiday season, so now I am really excited to go next month to see what kind of fun stuff they have! I have visions of all things peppermint and gingerbread!
Have a great Thursday! See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites...there is always room for one more at our family table. 

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