Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Something New for Your Family Table Week #27...BBQ Brussel Sprout Tacos

Ok, so I know you are probably reading this title and you are like what?!?! You are using brussel sprouts and calling it a taco?  
Yes, I am. We have been trying to eat more plant based meals this year and I saw a fellow blogging friend, Brittany talk about brussel sprout tacos.
My family loves them, so I began searching for some recipe ideas and found one that looked good and I made a few tweaks.You can grab the recipe here.

Friday Favorites!!!!

Happy Friday friends! We had a low key week and yet I am glad to see Friday! I think partly because Luke has a baseball tournament this weekend. It's been a few weeks since they have played and I am excited to watch them play again and even more excited to see my baseball mom friends.... I miss them!
As always, I am linking up with three of my favorite blogging friends, ErikaNarci & Andrea to share a few of my favorite things from this week!

What's Up Wednesday....July Edition!

Happy Wednesday friends! Well here we are...the last Wednesday of July, so today I am linking up with ShayMel and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday... July Edition. 

 A fun monthly post where we answer these questions....

Something New for Your Family Table Week #26....Mediterranean Shrimp Flatbreads

Hey friends! I hope you had the best weekend!!! I love a simple meal in the Summer and this one is perfect. A simple flat bread, paired with a salad or some fresh veggies and dinner is ready in no time!

1/2 lb of peeled shrimp
1 TBSP fresh thyme
Salt & Pepper
1/2 of a red onion, thinly sliced
1 cup cherry tomatoes (halved)
1/2 cup feta cheese
roasted garlic hummus
handful of parsley
Flat bread (I like Brooklyn Bred) or Naan

Toss the shrimp with a little olive oil and the thyme. Sprinkle with salt & pepper and place in a grill basket.  Grill about 5-7 minutes, or until shrimp is just pink and set aside. 

While shrimp is grilling, saute the onion with a splash of olive oil over medium high heat for 5 minutes, or until it begins to brown.

Spread a thin layer of hummus across your flatbread or nann.
Add a few pieces of shrimp & some of the onion.
Layer on some tomatoes and feta. 
Bake at 425 for 5-7 minutes.
Top with fresh parsley.
We had ours with some grilled romaine and it was a perfect Summer dinner! 
Have the best week friends!
See you tomorrow, there is always room for one more at our family table.

Friday Favorites!!

Happy Friday friends!!! I cannot believe we are through another week of Summer!!! We had another great week of weather and so many favorites from the week!
As always, I am linking up with three of my favorite blogging friends, ErikaNarci & Andrea to share a few of my favorite things from this week!

The Best Summer!!!!

Happy Thursday friends!!! This has been a pretty amazing Summer so far!! Between it being my first year home with the kids and the unbeatable weather, Summer 2018 is in the running for the Best Summer Ever! Here is a peek at what we have been up to. 
Like I mentioned, I have worked outside the home the last 10 years, but after some craziness in April (you can catch up on that here)... I am home for a while. I am doing my best to make the most of it! Like random lunch dates on a Wednesday....

Tuesday Talk... A Few Favorite Things!

Happy Tuesday friends!!! I am linking up with  Erika &  
Ashley for Tuesday Talk. A monthly link up where we can talk about any and everything!

I have a fun post planned, but first have to share that Target is having a huge sale to compete with Prime Day today! Furniture, Home, Toys all with up to 30% off savings. But if you don't need any "big" items, one of the best deals is 25% off Health and Beauty.  Talk about a great time to stock up on toiletries for the family and get it all delivered right to your doorstep! Today only so get shopping!!!

This month I want to talk about something fun! My girlfriend Melissa is a mom to 3 little boys and she is always looking put together... I mean always!! She has a fun sense of style and super cute clothes, but what always seems to pop is her jewelry!
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sunglasses and outdoor
 She is looking fab at the beach.... and she has a 3 month old!! She is always telling me the jewelry makes her look so pulled together without much effort! You should totally be following her on Insta @missycthestylist  She will give you all the inspiration!!!

Something New for Your Family Table Week 25...Grilled Halibut with Bruschetta

Good Morning friends!! We are coming off another fun Summer weekend, where we are anything but rested.... but we had a blast!
So today I want to share a really simple Summer recipe. One that I even hesitate to call a recipe, because it's just that simple! Sounds like a perfect Monday recipe to me!
This Grilled Halibut topped with bruschetta looks fancy and complicated, but its really anything but! Our local grocery store has an olive bar, so I just grabbed some fresh bruschetta there. 

Now if your local store does not have bruschetta, it's a pretty simple mix of  1cup of chopped tomatoes, some fresh basil (6-8 leaves), 1/4 cup ofchopped onions, and a little garlic (2-3 cloves). Add some olive oil and season with salt & pepper. The recipe is really flexible, meaning it doesn't have to be exact. You can add different herbs to it to! It's also one of those that gets better if you make it in advance and let the flavors come together for an hour or more!

Drizzle some halibut fillets with a little EVOO, sprinkle with salt & pepper and grill for 10-12 minutes. Top with the bruschetta once they come off the grill. We paired ours with some cauliflower rice and sauteed spinach. An easy way to fancy up your Monday!

Have the best week! See you tomorrow, there's always room for one more at our family table.

Friday Favorites...Super Sized!!!

Hey friends!! These last 7 days have been filled with so much Summer fun!!! I feel like this is going to be a Super-Sized edition of Friday Favorites!
Fill up that coffee friends... from the beach, to golf, to make your own cereal, favorite books, the best new earrings and favorite new Target finds I have lots to talk about today!!

As always, I am linking up with three of my favorite blogging friends, ErikaNarci & Andrea to share my one favorite this week, and it's all about me!

June 2018 Book Review

Well somehow we are 12 days into July and I am just getting around to sharing my June Book Review. Summer reading is usually my favorite and I knock out some serious reading, but I started June a little slow. We were busy doing all the Summer things and I only got to 3 books in my "To Be Read" pile! Good news is that I was happy with all three books! So here we go, a peek at what I read last month.....

TBB Asks... Summer Vacation Edition

Hey friends! I am linking up with the ladies over at The Blended Blog for their monthly Q &A. This month is all about vacations! Who doesn't love talking about and taking great vacations!?
So here is a peek at our "Vacation Style".....

Something New for Your Family Table Week #24....Hawaiian Chicken Kabobs

Hi friends!! I have an amazing Summer recipe to share with you today... and it's simple to make!
We made these Hawaiian Chicken Kabobs last night and they were just so good. Something about grilled pineapple that makes me happy in the Summer!

Friday Favorites....Hello July!

Happy Friday friends! Although, truth be told I feel like it has been a Friday all week! This holiday on a Wednesday really threw me off and we have been celebrating for the last week. The weather was beautiful and Paul took the week off and we had so much fun... hanging by the pool, on the boat and with friends.
My makeup routine consisted of sunscreen & bug spray, while my hair style was a ponytail and a hat! It was the best week!
So, as always, I am linking up with three of my favorite blogging friends, ErikaNarci & Andrea to share my one favorite this week, and it's all about me!

A Little Life Lately....

Hi friends! I hope you all had a fun 4th of July. I think today should be a holiday's always tough to get back into it after a late night of fireworks! So fill up your coffee and enjoy this fun post, filled with lots of random pics!
Welcome to this post of Life Lately.....also known as a dump of random photos on my phone!!! Summer is here and we are soaking up every.single.minute! I have a philosophy in the Summer that I will clean my house on days it rains and well... we have had gorgeous weather. So while my house may look borderline like something out of a Hoarder's episode, I don't really care because we have been having all the fun!!
Image result for house cleaning meme

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July friends!!!
I hope your day is filled with all things red, white & blue and celebrating this beautiful country we get to call home!
See you tomorrow!
There is always room for one more at our family table.

Something New for Your Family Table Week #23...Zucchini Pie

Happy July friends!!! We are in settling right into Summer here and it feels so good!! One of our favorite Summer things to do is get fresh produce from local farmers markets. I would like to say I can grow my own, however between bunnies, deer and my less than stellar watering abilities it doesn't quite happen!
Anyway, one of my favorite Summer veggies is squash...zucchini or yellow squash. And it always plentiful at our local markets. I have done all kinds of different recipes with it, from zucchini bread, to zucchini boats, roll-ups or just roasting it.
 I came across  this recipe for  zucchini pie and was excited to try it. 

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