A fun monthly post where we answer these questions....

What we're eating this week......
This week we are keeping it simple... lots of simple suppers... most on the grill. We kicked off our Summer with Monday's dinner of crab legs, boiled baby reds and grilled corn.
It was so yummy!
Also up this week are these Chicken Caprese Burgers.
You can grab the details on this burger and the rest of our menu here.
What I'm reminiscing about.......
Running. I hurt my foot while training for the marathon and have not been able to run (insert sad face here). So I have been reminiscing about last year's half marathon, while I patiently wait to hit the pavement again!
What I'm loving.....
Roasting or grilling vegetables. The colors and the flavors... I just cannot get enough!
And we are still mildly obsessed with fresh cherries....
What we've been up to......
We finally got the boat in the water.....
Luke has been playing lots of baseball.....
And still reading every book series he can find....
Ella has been dancing so much I have had to carry her! Ha!
And she has really been making some strides on the soccer field....
Paul has been hard at work keeping our city smelling like Cheerios....
I have been working hard to keep all the plates spinning this time of year!
And we have apparently completed exhausted Maddie.....
What I'm dreading.....
Summer plans! We are planning our first "stay-cation" in a long time. Looking forward to the down time and having fun in our own back yard. The kids are finalizing their "Summer Bucket List"....which I am sure will include a lemonade stand!
I'll share our list soon.
What I'm excited about......
What I'm watching/reading.....
Paul and I just finished watching Big Little Lies....
It was so good! And now we are all caught up on all the series we like to watch together. At first I was bummed, but then as I thought about it, we don't watch much TV in the Summer. So I think we will survive!
I read some great books last month and shared them in my May Book Review. This was my favorite and will definitely be in my top 5 for the year.
I am all about beachy reads the next few months!
What I'm listening to......
Jimmy Buffett, Zac Brown Band & Kenny Chesney.... all good boat music...with a little Bruno Mars thrown in there for fun!
What I'm wearing......
Well this weather was not great here in May. It was cooler than normal and extra rainy. I pretty much lived in distressed jeans.
I tried to make it more exciting with a fun top...but the bottom has been jeans on repeat!
Sometimes with a jacket, other times it was warm enough to do just a tee. I am really hoping next month I can be wearing more shorts and tanks than jeans and jackets!
What I'm doing this weekend......
We have got baseball, soccer and more baseball! However it is looking like a rainy weekend... so plans may change. If that's the case, we will be off to see Pirates of the Carribean.
Paul loves this movie series and sometimes he thinks he is a pirate 😉
What I'm looking forward to next month.....
The end of school for my crew! Here they are on the first day of this school year...
Always crazy to see how much they change during the school year.
What else is new.....
I don't think anything else is new.... I think I covered it all!
Bonus question.... Favorite Vacation spot.....
Lake George, NY. I spend my summers there as a kid and we took our kids for five years. It is just the best mix of relaxing, beautiful water, and fun stuff to do when you want to! I just love it there... and need to get back soon!
And that's it for What's Up Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week & we will see you tomorrow for our Weekend Wrap Up.
There's always room for one more at our family table.