Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up.....Double Dose!

I really don't know what happened to April! I feel like it just flew by... so much so, that I realized I did not share our weekend wrap up from the previous weekend! So here is a double dose of our weekend wrap up!
part one
Last Friday night the kids convinced us to go to Starbucks for the ever popular Unicorn Frappucino. Needless to say, they were sold we went with option B and still had a fun!
Saturday morning I went for a long run...
and my water bottle, arm band and sneakers matching was the best part. I have a rough injury on my right foot and my training is not going as planned :(
Later that morning, Ella & I were shopping at Justice and we ran into friends we haven't seen in forever! The girls insisted they needed these shirts!
Ella had a sleepover birthday party for one of her best friends.....and her mom is one of my best friends....and they live up the street from us... so I got to hang out too! The girls had a blast in the hot tub and making cupcakes!
The boys got in a round of golf that night. I asked for a pic of Luke out on the course, but it didn't happen!
Sunday we celebrated my Dad's birthday with my sister and my brother and his family.
We got home around dinner time and Ella crashed....
Nothing like a late Sunday afternoon snooze! Another full weekend in the books!
Part 2
Now I have to say I really anticipated this weekend to be low key... not much planned. We have a really busy May and June and this was kind of the last weekend to do nothing. And yet somehow we seemed to pack it all in!
Friday night we met at my parents after work to help them rebuild their deck. 
The kids did a great job helping and Luke was ecstatic to use a power drill!
Saturday morning the kids cruised around on their "crazy carts" before we headed out to run errands.
Luke and Paul had baseball practice. Paul took Luke to a friends birthday party right after practice and Paul went to work on getting the dock ready to put the boat in. 
Ella and I ran a bunch of errands, got our grocery shopping done and hit up Panera for lunch.
We grabbed all her soccer gear and she could not wait to get home and try it all out!
Luke got another fidget spinner at the party and discovered he could spin it on his nose....
We grilled some steaks & veggies for dinner and then decided to head out for dessert.
Sunday morning Paul finished up some work at the dock, while the kids and I cleaned up around the house. Then it was back to my parents for some more deck building. We almost got it done!
We grabbed some quick dinner (tacos!) and then it was off to the baseball diamonds for Luke's first game with his travel team.
He was so excited... 
and was team captain and playing third base.....
But we only got two innings in before the rain came! It was a bummer, but I was kind of ok with it... I was tired! So we ended our night with a few games of Connect Four. 
Maddie thought it was the best thing ever. I am not sure if it was the noise or what? She laid like that the whole time we played! 
And there you have it.. a double dose of our weekend wrap up! 
This week we have so much going on! Ella is starting soccer & has her first practice and game! She also has extra practices for chorus and orchestra... her Spring concert is Thursday! Luke has lots of baseball... practices, games and our town's little league parade on Saturday. And we will celebrate Paul's birthday this week too!  Happy May!!!
See you later this week... there's always room for one more at our family table.
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