Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up..... Washed Out & a Little Late!

Well I am a little late with our weekend wrap up this week. I had a few other posts planned for earlier in the week and just didn't make it to this one until now.  And to be honest, not a whole lot of excitement to report on...just more rain :(
We were supposed have our town's baseball parade, which Luke was so excited to march in, then Ella's soccer game and then Luke's baseball game..... all cancelled! It had rained for nearly two weeks and then the temps dropped and we even had a chance of snow!
That was pretty much how we were feeling.
We played a lot of games of Sorry....
And Ella worked on her May planner.... her month is looking busier than mine! 
The one bright side of the cancellations was Paul & I got to go to a Kentucky Derby party with some friends. We originally didn't think we could go with the crazy schedule we had, but after everything was cancelled we decided to go. I was scrambling to pull together a hat, because you can't do a Derby party without a hat! Thanks to the dollar section at Target and a headpiece from one of Ella's old dance costumes, we were looking Derby ready!
And last minute Paul placed a $20 bet on Always Dreaming....and we won $100!
We made some Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins for a Sunday morning treat.....because a cold, rainy Sunday morning definitely calls for baking!
Then Ella and I were off to see my sister's dance recital.....
What a beautiful show!!! Emma did a great job on her two company dances and an amazing job in her solo to "You Should Be Dancing". This year she was also a dance partner. That means she was helping those with physical disabilities live out their dreams to dance on stage. Just an amazing show and I could not be more proud of my sister. She dances with a great organization, Moving Miracles. You can learn more about them here
And that's what we did on this rainy, cold weekend!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites... there's always room for one more at our family table!

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