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Show & Tell Tuesday.... Travelogues Edition

Hi friends!  I am so excited to link up with Andrea over at Momfessionals for Show & Tell Tuesday. Today's topic... Travelogues! Sharing some thoughts and pics on my favorite trips!
I have been pretty fortunate to have gone on quite a few trips. I love to see other places.....especially warm places and we try to make travel and adventures a priority with our kids. Now we don't do a lot of lavish trips, but I hope my kids will look back and have lots of great memories of our adventures! 
After thinking about our trips, I decided to break it into three buckets...... the most beautiful trip, the most memorable trip, and my favorite family vacation!
Most Beautiful Trip
This was by far our honeymoon to Maui. I remember all the craziness in the days leading up to our wedding and then remembering... holy cow... we are going to Hawaii!
It was just a beautiful place. The beaches, the scenery and the food were all amazing.
We took our fist selfie in Hawaii.........
Went on a few adventures......
Ate a lot of food....
And of course went to a luau.

Most Memorable Trip
 My most memorable trip is hands down my first ever camping trip. 
I did not grow up camping. I strongly believe either you are a camper or you are not. I was the "not". 
I will never forget when we pulled into the camping "resort" and I looked around at my home for the next 7 days.
Holy cow it was a ton of work. Not something I would put in the "vacation" bucket. Between tents, air mattresses, sleeping bags, kayaks, boat jetski, tarps, screened in tents, fire pits, grills and about a hundred rubbermaid took about 12 hours to set up camp. 
And then in poured... actually I think it rained everyday. So all that stuff we brought was soaked and I felt damp for the rest of the trip. Glad I had this every stylish wetsuit to get me through. I mean who doesn't love a good rubber suit!
I tried to warm up with a shower. You have to pay to take a shower. Yep...twenty five cents. Apparently I am expensive, because my shower cost about $1.50. And yes I learned that the hard way after getting caught with soap in my hair and fresh out of quarters.
However on day 3 of this trip, my life changed.
Paul said let's go out to dinner tonight. So we drove into the beautiful town of Lake Placid. Which by the way had many hotel options. We went to dinner at Adirondack Steak & Seafood.
Then he suggested a walk around Mirror Lake. It was sunset and we were walking around this beautiful lake....little did I know he was looking for a bench to stop at and propose. We lapped the whole lake (3 miles) and every bench was taken. Every. Single. One. So Paul said, let's keep walking.. it's a nice night. I can't imagine what he was feeling... this whole plan to propose at sunset and we could not find a darn bench!
At this point the sun had set, so it was getting dark and we found a bench off to the side that was surrounded with orange construction fencing and cones. It was there he proposed and I said yes... and it was just perfect!
Not exactly the view he was thinking, but a perfect memory in my mind!
His family knew his plans and we celebrated with champagne by the fire that night.
And the next morning I was a "happy camper"....
Then the story takes another funny turn. Paul was so excited to propose on this trip, he kind of rushed the ring and they had to size it down quite a bit for my finger. Apparently doing so loosened the diamonds. The next morning I had lost 3 of the smaller stones on the sides! He felt terrible...but what were we to do? We still laugh about it today and say that we were dropping diamonds on that campsite!
Best Family Vacation
Growing up, my family vacationed at a beach cottage in Lake George. Every year for one to two weeks... we had the best summers up there. Six years ago we took our kids and both sets of parents and rented a house on the lake. It was just perfect!
The kids just loved it!!
We did all kinds of fun water stuff at the lake. Paddleboats & kayaks...
We tried to get my dad up on waterskis for the first time in his life!
We watched my father in law slalom 76 years old....
And pulled my mom in the tube.....
I mean how many kids can watch their grandparents do all that???
We spent lots of time at the beach and on our boat.
Went out for a few great dinners....
Took a horse and buggy ride through town....
Went horseback riding...
And took a fun visit to Saratoga Race Track to see the race horses and get a behind the scenes tour....
We did a family picture with the beautiful lake in the background.
It was such an amazing trip, we did it the next few years... and got the same picture....
An amazing family trip!
So there you have it.... my Travelogues! Looking back on all these photos was fun....I am a very lucky girl....and I am excited for our next adventure!
See you tomorrow for our weekend wrap up.... there's always room for one more at our family table!

1 comment on "Show & Tell Tuesday.... Travelogues Edition"
  1. Great memories. We've vacationed in ADK a couple times too and it is so so beautiful there. The views can't be beat.


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