Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Workin' It Wednesday....Summer Vacation Edition

Happy Wednesday friends! It is Workin' It Wednesday... a monthly link up with Shay & ErikaSharing tips for working mamas on keeping it together.......
This month's topic is planning/preparing for your Summer vacation. And I have to say the thing I love most about Summer is no plans! So I probably won't have a ton of grand ideas in this post. We are kind of a laid back.... stay up late....sleep in later....and have all kinds of fun Summer family!
I do plan for the kids to do one Summer camp/activity. This year Luke is golfing again. He loved it last year....
Ella is trying her hand at a volleyball camp this year. She has been wanting to play, so I am excited to see how she likes it.  Our camps are wrapped up in early July, so we have the rest of the Summer to enjoy the weather. Summer in Buffalo is beautiful, and we make plans to enjoy every minute of it.
Lots of games of Uno on the boat...

Planning a list of books to read on the boat.....
Some family golf nights! We are lucky to have a nice course near us with a beautiful patio and restaurant, so we always have plans for some family golf nights.
A Summer garden is always in our Summer plans... however the deer and bunnies enjoy most of our veggies. Luckily we get to tend to our neighbors garden and they have much better luck!
We love going to the playground on a whim....
The kids always plan a lemonade stand...
We try to make a Summer list of things to do/see in our area. My mom makes a Summer list to do with the kids too. Two years ago we visited Niagara Falls.
And last year we tried out a really cool drive in movie spot... we will be going back there this year for sure...
Every year our friends come in to visit from Maryland. I love that the kids spend a few days together every Summer!
We also plan for a visit from Paul's parents. They escape the Florida heat and visit us for a bit in the Summer. It's always nice to have both of our parents with us.
So I guess in a nutshell, we try to plan a few fun things.... one vacation..... and a whole lot of fun! And by the time September rolls around, we are begging Summer not to go....
I blogged a few other Workin' It Wednesdays this year....
Spring Cleaning
Balancing Work and Home Life
Keeping Your Marriage Strong
New Year's Goals
And here is a peek of the other topics coming this year....

See you tomorrow....there's always room for one more at our family table.
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