Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Show & Tell Tuesday.....Memory Lane

Hi friends!  I am so excited to link up with Andrea over at Momfessionals for Show & Tell Tuesday. Today's topic... Memory Lane! Sharing favorite memories from our childhood.
Well you can't start a childhood post without some childhood pics!
And lucky for me I have a laminate timeline of the first 11 years of my life to highlight all of my lifechanging moments! HA!
Now onto a random assortment of favorite childhood things,places and people....
My Granny.... while my time with her was short, I have such special memories of going to her house after school, sitting on the wooden swing and eating thin mints. And this red couch was the spot for hundreds of family pictures!
My Granny.... while my time with her was short, I have such special memories of going to her house after school, sitting on the wooden swing and eating thin mints. And this red couch was the spot for hundreds of family pictures!
Care Bears. They were pretty much the best toy ever! I loved my Care Bears. .and Cabbage Patch Dolls too!
Sesame Street.  I was a huge fan of Sesame Street! So much so that my Mom had painted an entire Sesame Street mural on our basement walls. I need to find a picture! She also made me a pretty amazing Big Bird costume.
I loved my Holly Hobby canopy bed. I mean I remember the day that got set up... I was the luckiest girl in the world!
My purple ten speed bike. Now this was a gem! I got this one Christmas morning, a Christmas that we actually did not have snow. The perfect Christmas to get a new bike and ride it!
My neighborhood friends were pretty great! Riding big wheels, swimming and block parties. We just hung out all day long together.....
Playing in the snow. Being from Buffalo we have had lots of opportunities! Loved a good snow day from school and playing in some fresh snow.
I was a big fan of playing dress up. Whether it was dressing up to look like a teacher or a bride, dress up was my jam!
My school friends. I had some really great friends in elementary school.  A sweet group of girls....
And the one to the right of me is still one of my closest friends- Erin..... and we now live on the same street.....and our daughters are in class together!  This top pic is Erin and I and one of our many sleepovers... of course with a Cabbage Patch Doll...and the one below is our girls at their first of many sleepovers together!
When I was 10 our family took a trip to California and I thought that was the coolest thing ever! I remember buying light pink booties at a flea market there and standing in the Pacific Ocean!
And the last memory I'll share is our family trips to Lake George. We went every year with good friends of my parents,  from the time I was 6 months old. I just loved it there and have so many memories of the house we stayed in, chipmunks, the lake, swimming, the arcade, horse racing, and all the roadtrips there in our blue station wagon. 
So there is a little snapshot of my childhood.... it was a pretty awesome one! And I am thankful to my my mom for always taking pictures... it was fun to look through all these! Hopefully my kiddos will feel the same someday about all the pics I take!
If you missed my other Show & Tell posts, you can catch up here.
See you tomorrow for our weekend wrap up....there's always room for one more at our family table.

1 comment on "Show & Tell Tuesday.....Memory Lane"
  1. That timeline is fantastic! You're still just as cute as you were as a kid.


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