Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites!!!!

Happy Friday friends! We had a low key week and yet I am glad to see Friday! I think partly because Luke has a baseball tournament this weekend. It's been a few weeks since they have played and I am excited to watch them play again and even more excited to see my baseball mom friends.... I miss them!
As always, I am linking up with three of my favorite blogging friends, ErikaNarci & Andrea to share a few of my favorite things from this week!

My favorite thing about this last week was some much needed quiet time. We came out of the gates hard this Summer, packing in lots of fun stuff, but we were in need of some nothing time and we got that last weekend.
I am talking reading in the hammock....
and time to make fresh zucchini bread....
It was the perfect weekend at home!
You can catch up on all our Summer fun in my What's Up Wednesday post!

Luke had basketball camp this week and just LOVED it!!!
It was the first time either of my kids have done any sort of full day camp in the Summer. He was happy to get out of bed each morning, pick out his jersey and play for 8 hours. However Maddie was not happy to see him go.
He came home from his last day of camp last night with this trophy. It was the Coach's Award. It was given to him for showing a lot of hustle, respect to the coaches and improving throughout the week.
Gosh I am one proud Mama!

Side note- he went with some friends and we shared driving the boys this week. The conversations of the boys in the car cracked me up. But my favorite moment was when Luke and his buddy Nolan were in the backseat and Luke asked Nolan if he took a shower that morning. Luke proudly said "Well, I shower in the mornings now, because I am becoming a man!" I nearly spit out my coffee!! This from the same 9 year old boy I had to beg to take a shower last week!! 

While Luke has been in camp, Ella and I have had a few fun days together. We did some dress shopping- as she is in a wedding this Fall. It's always fun to try on girly things!
We enjoyed a treat at Starbucks...
Hit up our local food festival....
 ....and did a little shopping...
And of course made a Target run...
One guess what she has plans to make?!?! 

My last favorite this week is kind of random. So a few weeks ago I shared a little blog story about how I am living my best life. I got the sweetest messages from that post.  I have an amazing group that we started a couple weeks ago- getting healthier by eating better and working out 4 days a week (yep-just 4). It's a fun, virtual way to stay motivated. And the best part for me is seeing messages like these....

It makes it that much more fun! So if you feel like you are in a funk and want to join me and our virtual group...let me know...we would love to have you! You can get some more info here.

Now onto the weekend....lots of baseball, our town ice cream social, a murder mystery dinner, a concert and maybe some boat time!
Have the best weekend friends! See you next week, there is always room for one more at our family table.
2 comments on "Friday Favorites!!!!"
  1. Yay for camp and sixbucks with your pretty girl! I got in some down time too this week! So hip hip hooray! I am headed over to your best life post now. Have a great weekend. Amanda @

  2. Ha! I saw all that glue and thought-- slime! Then I read your caption. Has she tried making glow in the dark slime yet?


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