Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Life Lately

Hey friends! First of all, how the heck is it the last day of September???
This month seemed to fly by, which is a total bummer, because I really love September! 
Second, last week was a blur....crazy work week, kids activities, Ella's birthday...all the things... except for blogging😉
So here is a peek a what we have been up to lately, or as I like to call it- a little life lately.
Last weekend we enjoyed one last pool party at our neighbors. Love having a pool party in late September!
I took some yummy snacks with a few new favorites from Trader Joe's, like their spicy pickles. I'll share some of my recent TJ favorites later this week. 
Our Bills have been off to a great start (despite the heartbreaking loss yesterday) and Paul and I had a fun time at the home opener! 
Luke was in full Buffalo gear for school too!
This right here has been making it's way into my life everyday. It is sooo good! 
Ella had a cross country meet out by the lake and it was a beautiful afternoon.  I love the water and the sunsets this time of year.  
Here is our girl, finishing her race strong! 
After her race, we tried out a restaurant that is home to some of the largest desserts I have ever seen. I mean the eclair was pretty much the size of my Dad's head! 
I think we may have taken home more food than we ate there! If you are local, Aunt Millie's is worth the trip to check it out. 
On Friday we celebrated Ella's 12th Birthday! 12.... how the heck did that happen??? I mean, wasn't she just born?
Gosh this blue eyed little girl has really grown up... 
Looking just like a tween.... Hollister sweatshirt, braces and Vans 😊
And we wrapped up our weekend in Rochester with her first big invitational cross country meet. It was our first time at this type of event and it was pretty cool. Over 8,000 runners! She did an awesome job! So proud her in this new sport! 
That's a little peek at life lately for us. Ill be back on Wednesday, sharing some of my new favorites from Trader Joe's. 
Have the best day!
See you soon, there is always room for one more at our family table. 

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