Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Coming Back.......

Hey friends!!!!  I am coming back!! So, my last post was about 6 months ago and gosh I have missed this blogging space. I have heard from so many sweet readers, friends and Insta followers that they missed reading along too. 
I started a new job last December.  I really enjoy the field I am in & the team I work with, but I had a really big learning curve. I checked out of blogging, social media, reading... pretty much checked out of all the things,  to focus on learning my new role. Any spare time I had I wanted to be with my family. I finally feel like I'm in a better spot from a work-life balance perspective and really missed this blogging space. While some may think it's a lot of work to blog (it is) it feels less like work and more of a release for me. It's a place I can get creative, share some fun things and connect with readers across the country. 
I am going to ease back in and hope share a few posts each week. I am not going to stress about a post, but rather write when I can. 
 I have a bunch of new recipes to share......
  quite a few book recaps......
some family adventures.....
and thoughts as I am in a new parenting phase with a tween 😉.
If there is anything you want to see more of here, share in the comments below.

Happy to be back & see you soon. There is always room for one more at our family table. 

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