Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Apple Snacks

We made it to Friday!! The first full weekend of October... and a three day weekend for the kiddos! I am behind on my Fall decorating (September was a crazy month!) and I am looking forward to giving the house that cozy fall makeover! On Saturday we are heading to a friend's house for an Oktoberfest. I am making a beer & cheese dip with homemade soft pretzels... yummy! Sunday will bring football.....Let's go Buffalo!!

 I sure hope you added the pork kabobs into your meal planning..... you won't be disappointed!  Now onto some apple snack ideas. I encourage my kids to make healthy snack choices each day. They have done pretty well with their choices, in part based on their experience in the kitchen. I try to involve them as much as I can with meal prep. I find the more engaged they are with the food helps with their buy in.
Lets start with the most simple apple snack....sliced apples! There's nothing better than the crispy crunch of an apple. E & L love to take an apple as a school snack. Ella prefers hers sliced and Luke likes to just bite into it. We all know that once an apple is sliced, it begins to brown, which poses an issue for sliced apples as a school snack. I have purchased the presliced apple bags.. but they are just not the same. I find they have a different taste and texture and Ella has not been a fan. Enter this amazing life hack I stumbled across....are you ready?? Slice the apple using an apple slicer. Now rubberband it back together in it's original shape, keeping the core. Pack in the lunch box and when the rubberband comes off to eat....there is very minimal browning!  I mean... I couldn't believe it!'re welcome :)

Simple snack option number 2.....Apples & Cinnamon. Slice up your apples, put in a baggie, sprinkle with cinnamon and shake. I know this is not a gourmet recipe, but it's a really great grab and go healthy option for kids and adults!
A sweeter, more decadent snack option is up next. Take your apple slices and top with 1 TBSP of melted nut butter (peanut,almond, or cashew). Now you can get creative... sprinkle with a few mini chocolate chips or coconut or chopped nuts... even sprinkles for the kids!

Last up is another simple option....warm cinnamon apples. This is perfect if you are looking for something sweet and want to avoid sitting down with a bag of cookies! Simply slice an apple (I leave the skin on) and add to a warm pan with a tsp of coconut oil. Saute the apple for about 3-5 minutes and then sprinkle with cinnamon. Perfect with a warm cup of tea on a fall night!
Those are some of my favorite apple snacks! Please share any ideas you have in the comments below.
Thanks for joining me in our first week here at The Family Table! The next few weeks I will be sharing some tips for meal planing, fall recipes, fall organization tips and of course Halloween fun! I hope to see you back next week... there's always room for one more at our family table!

Enjoy your weekend friends!
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