Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Why start a blog?

I have often thought of starting a blog, but was never sure the "right" way to start. I thought "what do I have to give or say that isn't already out there"?  So I figured I'll just start and see where it takes me. If people choose to follow along, they will. If not, I'll still have fun documenting the things that make me and my family happy.

I decided to call this blog The Family Table for a host of reasons...all of which have a common foundation around our Family Table. Growing up we had dinner every night at the family table... early by most families standards at 4:30pm....but we were always together with my parents, my younger brother, Ian and my younger sister, Emma. We had a big family table with benches built into the walls....those benches held so many memories over the years. It was the place where we were nourished not only through our meals but in our hearts too. We chatted and laughed about our days....talked about hopes and dreams... sought comfort during tough times... celebrated countless birthdays...hundreds of friends and family joined us at that table while growing up.

Fast forward to my current life...I have been married to my husband Paul for 16 years. We have a daughter, Ella (9) and a son, Luke (7).

We also have a one year old puppy, Maddie... that whole "puppy" phase can be its own blog!

When I became a mom, I  knew I  wanted my kids to have those same memories and that same foundation around the family table. From the time Ella was big enough to sit in a highchair she was joining Paul and I for dinner. She may have been eating pureed peas while we ate grilled salmon, but the point was to establish that foundation early. Over the past 9 years that has remained a constant. We always come together for dinner each night. The kids eat what we special requests... unless it's your birthday! I'm happy with the healthy relationships our kids have with us and with food because we have made this a priority. So that's the basic story behind the blog's title.

This blog is devoted to things I love... my family....

eating well.....

living healthy....

theme parties...

a little fashion...

and having fun with all of it!

My goal is to share ideas for making life healthy and fun with your families. I hope you enjoy reading! Please click on the link at the bottom to join us for new posts. You can also follow us on Facebook or Instagram. And please...invite your friends to follow along too.....there's always room for one more at our family table!

ps- Be sure to check in on Friday for the fun details on Ella's Hollywood themed birthday party! I'll be sharing ideas on how to get creative in your decorating without spending a lot!

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