Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Fall Organizing

As we head into mid October... the weather here is definitely more boots and scarves than shorts and flip flops! I wrote a letter to Summer, along with this sweet picture and begged her not to go....
Dear Summer... please don't go.....
But it didn't's time to officially accept that cooler weather is here.  And with this change of seasons comes the amazing task of switching out closets & drawers to the new season. And by amazing I mean one of my least favorite tasks. If you're anything like me, it takes a while to 
A. Accept that Summer is over
B. Convert my closet over
Those first few transitional weeks usually involve a lot of things on the floor or draped over the end of my bed. Please tell me I am not alone in this!  As if switching my closet over was not enough fun, I also have two little people to change out  and well let's be honest.... I usually take care of Paul's too!

One of the most amazing parts of this transition is seeing how much the kids have grown each year. (and praying I did not grow!) I mean...if we ever face a flood in October we will always be prepared....
Guess we are going shopping for new pants!

So here are two tips to share with all you Mamas out there trying to make sense of what still fits who!

1. Anything from Summer that does not fit, is stained, they don't like, or you don't is the time to say goodbye. Don't save that until Spring! Donate it, toss it, or hand it down to friends. Whatever you do....don't put it back in the closet! You will thank me come Spring time and that sorting task is already done. Layout 4 piles....
1. Keep for next Summer
2. Donate
3. Still fits for Fall/Winter
4. Summer Favorites

Why Summer favorites? That brings me to tip #2........

2. Now this has been a game changer for me. Keep a portion of their favorite summer outfits/bathing suit in a large ziploc bag (they make a 3 gallon bag). Keep that bag at the top of the storage tote. Why, you ask? Well if you are lucky enough to escape the cold for Spring Break then consider your kids packed. No need to dig around through storage bins....its all right there.  Do the same for yourself. I mean, I have a closet full of summer clothes and probably wear about 25% of it. Keep that 25% at the top so it's easy packing for you too!

Now all this fall talk has me hungry for a good fall dish! Here's a super simple side dish- Cinnamon Maple Acorn Squash.

Cinnamon Maple Acorn Squash
1. Cut squash in half (lengthwise) and scoop out the seeds.
2. Brush lightly with oil (I used coconut, but you could also use EVOO) and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
3.Bake face down in a rimmed baking sheet for 35 minutes at 400. (Line with foil for easy cleanup).
4. Remove from oven and brush each side with pure maple syrup (about 1 TBSP per side) and sprinkle with cinnamon,
5. Return to the oven face up for 15 more minutes.
This recipe feeds 4 in our house. I just cut each half and we all take a piece. A simple, yet delicious fall side dish. Pair it with some pork or chicken and something green to round out your plate!

I hope these tips help! Please comment below and share any tips you might have!! Hope you join us again next time....there's always room for one more at our Family Table!

2 comments on "Fall Organizing"
  1. Great ideas with switching out the clothes. I dread this daunting task! I also pass down from one child to the younger one so I put what size it is on top. :)

    1. What a great tip! Thanks Lauren! And I know... I dread it too!


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