Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Happy Wednesday friends! First off, thank you for all the kind words welcoming me back to this space. It's funny to think how I wrote on here effortlessly for 2 years....over 500 posts and then just stopped. Life was "life-ing' then and I just could not find the time to sit and write consistently. 

But gosh it feels good to be back and I am excited for what this space can bring over the next year. 

Coming back here has been on my heart for a while so I have quite a few topics and things I want to share on here, but would love to hear from you what you would like to see. The internet is a popular place and I want to bring something different and that can add some value to you. Drop your ideas for posts in the comments section. 

I am hoping to share posts 3 days a week. Some weeks may be more and some may be less depending on how life is going, but my goal is 3 posts a week. And I will be sharing some daily life and lots of food and recipes over on Instagram so be sure to follow me over there. 

For those new here, I thought I would share a few things about me. ***Warning, this list is really random. 

I am 46 years old. 

I met Paul when I was 20. We got engaged 11 months later and married 13 months after that. We will celebrate our 24th anniversary this year. 

I love to ride a bike that is stationary or uphill. I will walk my bike before riding downhill. 

Growing up I wanted to be a pediatrician. That changed to a pharmacist. Spent exactly one year in pharmacy school, got a job at the mall and I have worked in the retail space ever since. 

My favorite job ever was as a Store Manager for Target. My first job was as a newspaper delivery girl.

I could not boil water when I got married. Paul cooked for us. 

I began watching Food Network, collecting cookbooks and fell in love with cooking. Now, my favorite place is in the kitchen. 

I am the oldest of 3 kids. 

I love chopping vegetables. It is very relaxing to me. 

I also love folding laundry. Like really love it! I don't love putting it away. 

I am a morning person through and through. I do not like to sleep in. If I sleep past 7am I feel like my day is half over. 

I used to own a gourmet cupcake bakery in our town. 

My favorite season is Summer. I could have 11 months of Summer and one month of Winter in December. 

My birthday is exactly one week before Christmas. 

I am not a big fan of TV. I like to watch live sports, but am not a binge watcher. 

I love binge reading on vacations. I will read like 4 books over a week vacation. 

I prefer to drive in silence. Most often I am almost to my destination before I realize there is no music on. 

I love a good theme party. Give me a reason for a fun costume and I am in!

I do not like getting manicures. I cannot sit there for that long to get my nails painted. I feel like I could be doing so much more. If I could drop my hands off and pick them up after that would be great- ha!

That being said, I almost always have my nails painted. I typically paint them every Sunday night. 

I loved running for most of my adult life (and in high school) and completed 5 half marathons. 

My knees don't love running as much anymore. I have found a local fitness studio and have fallen in love with spin class. As a bonus, the women that own the studio are amazing!

My kids are exactly 18 months apart, almost to the day. 

I had never really considered myself to be a dog person. Then we got a dog. She is always at my side and I can't imagine life without her. 

I do not like to type text. I use voice text for almost all my messages. 

I love concerts in the Summer. I love concerts in general, but outdoor Summer concerts are superior. 

I love gum. I always have it in my bag and my car. 

I think that's enough random facts for one post. 

As I was looking at some of my old posts, I found a few that shared why I started this little space. I linked them below for a little more about me. 

Why start a blog?

Why do I blog?

One Year Blogaversary

My first blog post

That's all for today. I'll be back later this week. 

There's always room for one more at our family table. 



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