Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites May 31

  Happy Friday friends! Here we are on the last day of May! We are heading into my 3 favorite months of the year and kicking it off with a little weekend getaway.  I am so excited for a few days away. But before I hit the road, I am linking up with Andrea & Erika for a little Friday Favorites. A peek into a few of my favorite things from the week. 

This here could be my one and only favorite from the week. Ella went to her boyfriend's prom last weekend any my gosh she just looked perfect! Her dress was perfect for her, from the color, to the fit and the style.  She was loving the pics with these flowers as a backdrop. they matched her dress perfectly!

Well somehow our little girl is off to her second prom and will be a Senior in high school next year. 

I mean, could they be any cuter?? They had so much fun!

I have to say I am pretty proud of myself....I did her hair for the prom and I think it turned out pretty great!!

The boat is in the water and Paul and I got out for a few hours last weekend. I packed my sunscreen, new book and my favorite snack. 

There is just something so calming about being out on the water. I just love it!

The best boat snack. If you like pickles, you have to try this "Pickle de Gallo". I get the hot one and it's not very hot. It is so, so good!!!

Three of my most recent purchases here are also some of my favorites. I have had Abby Jiminez books on my TBR list for a while and finally started this one. I will have this wrapped up by tomorrow. So far, so so good!!!

 Next up is two favorites, I guess. One, I slept until 8am last Sunday. That is a rare thing for me and if felt glorious!!! And second, these new Target Pjs are adorable! Comfy, not too hot to sleep in and I am in love with the pattern.

 I got another bottle of my favorite self tanner. This one never lets  me down! I used it on Ella the night before prom and she had the most beautiful glow. 

I got this clutch last week and it is so cute for Summer. The pattern is fun, but simple enough to be worn with so many different things. It has a gold chain, so you can wear it cross body or tuck the chain in and use as a clutch. I liked the neutral colors, but it also comes in a fun black and white stripe option!

Luke had the opportunity to play Unified Basketball at school this Spring. What an amazing program, that blends kids with varying abilities with some school athletes to give everyone the opportunity to play! We watched their playoff game this week and it was so fun to see the pure joy from everyone playing!

These pictures from the week just made me feel like Summer. Fresh tomatoes and basil just go with everything in the Summer!

We had Grilled Chicken Caprese Salads this week. We ate them out on the patio and that just makes me happy!

And Monday I went to the garden center to pick some flowers for our pots. I love wandering the garden center, but have to admit I have no idea what to look for or really what I am doing. My mom has the most beautiful gardens, but sadly I did not inherit her green thumb! I look for pretty colors and flowers that can stand the sun and need little maintenance!

I still can't believe May is over! I shared a fun recap of what were up to this month on Wednesday. You can check it out here

Ok, Paul and I are off for a fun weekend. I hope you all have a great weekend too!

 See you on Monday, there is always room for one more at our family table.
2 comments on "Friday Favorites May 31"
  1. Aww! Ella looks stunning, that dress really suits her and well done with her hair.
    It sounds like you had a great time on the boat and I love the sound of those Pj's.

  2. Your daughter's dress is so lovely and her hair turned out great too! What a cute couple. That salad looks delicious.


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