Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites February 2nd

Happy Friday friends! I am so excited to be back in this blog world and linking up with Andrea & Erika for a little Friday Favorites. A peek into a few of my favorite things from the week. 

My first favorite is just being back here. I stepped away from blogging for a few years and it has been on my heart to return. I shared my why for coming back on Monday and you can read about that here

A big part of my coming back to this space is sharing what I am up to in the kitchen. The kitchen is my happy place and I love to create healthy meals and try new recipes for my family. My hope is to inspire some of you to try something new and take the dread out of being in the kitchen. 
This week we had one of our family favorites. Easy Salmon. 

It is such a simple and healthy meal option that comes together pretty quickly. 
I shared my steps to putting this meal together over on Instagram in a reel. Pop over to Insta to check it out. 
Last night I made some Chicken Shwarma bowls with extra veggies and they were so good! I'll be getting the details for this up on the blog and Instagram this weekend. 

This dog of ours sure is a favorite. She will be 9 next month and she is forever by our sides. If she wasn't nearly 80 pounds she would be a lap dog. I often find myself nearly tripping over her, but wouldn't have it any other way!

Ummmm...there is sunshine in our forecast!!! After 29 cloudy days in January (yes that's only 2 days the sun came out) we are ready to see sunshine. I think all of us in this region can use a little Vitamin D and a mood boost!

Are you wearing your red today? Today is the day to Go Red for Women's Heart Health. Did you know that cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women each year? Number one. Many of these deaths can be prevented with education and a healthy lifestyle. My goal this year is to help share some of that education and tips for a healthier lifestyle here on this platform. So put on your red today :)

We have a full weekend ahead for my crew with a basketball game, volleyball tournament, track meet, and Winter Homecoming Dance.
Have a great weekend friends!
 See you on Monday, there is always room for one more at our family table.

1 comment on "Friday Favorites February 2nd"
  1. Welcome back to blogging.
    That salmon looks so good and I think the chicken Shwarma bowls would go down well here.
    We could do with some sunshine here although today isn't too bad.


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