Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites February 16th

  TGIF friends! We are celebrating the end of the week and rolling into the kids' Winter Break. We are off to find some warmth and sunshine for the next week and we are ready for it!  But before we take off, I am linking up with Andrea & Erika for a little Friday Favorites. A peek into a few of my favorite things from the week. 

We had an action packed week with sports. The kids are both wrapping up their Winter sports seasons. Over the weekend, Luke and I were in Pittsburgh for his club volleyball tournament. He has found a specialized role as the team libero this year and it has been fun to watch him develop his skill set. 

Paul stayed home with Ella and watched her run her way to a Sectional Championship! She has made so much progress in her times this year and am excited to see some new doors open for her from a running standpoint. She will run again tomorrow in the State Qualifier. 
Luke had his last basketball game of the season on Wednesday and had some extra fans there to cheer him on. My parents and sister were there to cheer extra loud. Pretty sure he will be taller than all of us by this time next year!

As I am packing I thought I would share a few of my favorite travel things. I travel fairly often for work, so I have tried a number of different travel bags and this one is by far the best. It's actually the second one I have purchased. It can hold full sized products and zips up pretty compactly. It holds so much and is under $20! 
There's a hanger hook to easily open up and hang in the bathroom making it super easy to access everything without making a mess. 

This makeup bag is another great travel find. It has inside pockets and a wired top so it stays open while on the counter- so easy to see inside and find what you are looking for!
This mirror is perfect for travel. Sometimes hotel bathrooms have awful lighting or when travelling as a family you may have limited bathroom time sharing amongst everyone. It has several lighting options, unfolds to stand up and is really slim and so packable. You can use it in the car or on the plane too. It comes in several color options, I have the white. 
Ok last travel favorite, although not specifically travel but this self tanner is the best. I have tried a lot of them, and this is the winner. I cannot tell you how many bottles I have gone through. I use it before vacations and all Summer long!

Ella and I spent last night together with a little pampering before our trip! A Starbucks run and pedicures with hot pink toes.... that's a favorite for sure!

New books for vacation are always a favorite! I love a paper book in hand. I am not a fan of reading digitally. Here is what I have on tap for reading this week. 
I am almost through this one and it has been so enlightening. Can't wait to finish and share my thoughts on it with you!

It has been a while since I have read a book from Liane Moriarty. I have enjoyed her writing and am excited to read this one

Paul will be wrapping up this book. So much great information in here on how to really live your best and longest life. 

This week I shared a new meal for your family table, Orange Chicken. It was a winner with our whole family. You can grab all the details here. 
And we took a fun look at little things I do everyday! You can catch that post here

Have a great weekend friends!
 I'll be back here on Monday, where there is always room for one more at our family table.
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