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My Journey with Plant Based Wellness

 Hi friends! I am excited to share with you a little more about my wellness journey. Today I am going to share how I have incorporated plant based wellness into my daily routine and the positive effects I have had since doing so. Now I will also remind you that I am not a medical professional, just someone really passionate around living my healthiest life. So before you try something new or change things up for you, I recommend talking to your doctor first ;)

Ok so let's dive in here. For the past few years I had been hearing more and more about the benefits of CBD. Truthfully, I was intrigued but also pretty nervous about trying it.  I had never dabbled in drugs throughout my young adult life or into adulthood, so the thought of it being part of the "marijuana" family made me slightly uncomfortable. I also saw it being sold randomly in gas stations and odd places....again made me question if this was legit!

About a year and half ago I was seeing a friend of a friend sharing her story on Instagram around the benefits of plant wellness in her daily routine. I reached out to her and we began to chat through Instagram. She shared a lot of product knowledge with me, including that it was a product that is organic and grown and processed in North Carolina.  It made me much more comfortable, knowing that it was an organic product grown here in the US and not something shady sold on the streets or imported from another country.

I continued to talk with her a lot about the products and it's benefits, and about a year ago decided to make my first purchase. Funny story is that I received my order and it sat in the box for a few months. I was still reading and learning about the products and benefits until I felt comfortable.  Fast forward to this past fall, and I began to add some of these supplements into my routine regularly. And all I was left wondering is why I didn't start sooner???  I can honestly say after six months of using my daily regimen consistently, I have noticed a significant difference in how I feel everyday. And that difference is amazing. 

Why did I choose to incorporate plant based wellness?

As a full-time working mom, navigating the stresses that come with a full-time job, kids, working through busy kids' schedules, navigating the new challenges of life with teens, along with two sets of parents that are aging and working through what these next few years will look like for them, I found that my mind was always racing. With so many things happening it was sometimes hard to just focus on one thing at a time and it was also hard to find what I refer to as "peace in my mind". I was looking for something that could help calm my mind, but did not have a desire to seek out some sort of prescription. Since starting on this plant based wellness path, I have found a place of calm in my mind each day.

What do I use?
For me, I use a tincture of the broad spectrum each morning, along with the digestive combo. The tincture lasts up to 24 hours and brings me that daily sense of calm. I feel more focused and less edgy. 
The digestive combo helps to "keep moving things along" and eliminates bloat. It's really noticeable when I travel. I continue to use it on trips and don't' get that vacation bloat or uncomfortable stomach feeling. 
I also have the raspberry citrus jellies that I take occasionally at night. Where I used to have a glass of wine to unwind, if I have a particularly hard or stressful day, one of these nano jellies can very quickly restore peace to my mind. 

What benefits have I had?
I have mentioned a few of them already, but the game changer for me has been the overall sense of calm in a crazy period of life. Stress can be detrimental to your health in so many ways. I do manage my stress daily with exercise, good sleep habits and a healthy diet, but this has been the last piece of the puzzle for me in bringing that calm and reducing stress. The digestive combo has really helped to keep away the bloat and has been an asset in helping me drop 10 pounds since the beginning of the year. I stopped drinking alcohol at the end of last year, and this has helped me do it! The calm I feel each day, does not have me reaching for a glass of wine at the end of each work day. I feel like I am a much more patient mom and wife each day too. 

So that's just scratching the surface of some of the benefits. I felt compelled to share my journey, because I think there are so many others that may feel that unsettled mind all day or turn to that glass of wine each night. I am an open book about it, and would love to answer any questions you may have. You can reach out via email or send a dm on Instagram. 

Here is a little more on the products and how you can get them. If you would like to try them out, you can use my link to get $10 off and get sample of our top selling limoncello nano jellies- perfect for travelling!

This is my my daily lineup. The tincture and the digestive combo. 

This is a great offer! As a first time customer you can get your choice of nano jellies and our amazing chocolate collagen while saving $40 for auto replenish!

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk on plant based wellness! I would love to help answer any questions you have.

Have a great day! See you back here for Friday Favorites, where there is always room for one more at our family table. 

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