Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Let's Look- Little Things I do Everyday

 Happy Valentine's Day Friends!  Not sure about you, but nothing too romantic planned over here today. We have work, kids practice, Ella has a hair appointment and Luke has his last basketball game of the season. I do have a special treat lined up for us after we get through all that!  There is a girl from my fitness studio that makes some better for you snacks and treats and I had to order this yummy Valentine's box. Cannot wait to sample these! Local friends, check out Danna at Feel Good Snax. You can follow along on her Instagram. 

Today I am linking up with Shay & Erika for this month's edition of Let's Look. A fun monthly post where we take a peek at some random little things in our lives. Today's topic, Little Things we do Everyday. 

Hmmm… I had to think about this one. In many ways, I’m a creature of habit, but I also like to mix things up once in a while. I guess I also feel like the things I do everyday are somewhat boring! So in no particular order here are some random little things that I do every day. 

1. I get up early. Usually before everyone else in the house. I have always been an early bird by nature. I continued that as my kids were little, as I really liked that quiet time before they got up and the day got started.  I guess I still like to have my quiet time. A few days a week I’m up at 4:15 to go to a workout class, the other days I’m usually up by 530. Even on the weekends, I love being up first and starting the day on my time :)

Coffee, sunhine and a quiet house... yes please!

2. This may sound random, but I always have some morning snuggles with my dog. We have a golden retriever, who has been great trained since she was a puppy. She could probably sleep out of her crate now, but she still goes in every night around 9 PM. When I head to see her in the morning, and it’s usually early, she just loves to get some quiet attention before she starts her day. 

3. I get most of my drinks ready the night before so they’re ready in the morning. In the morning, I have some protein mixed with almond milk and collagen, so I have the almond milk in my container in the fridge ready to go. And then I drink electrolytes every morning and I have those in the fridge ready to go as well. These are my
favorite electrolytes, they have pretty clean ingredients. Watermelon is my favorite flavor, but you can get a sampler pack of 4 flavors to try out. 

 I fill both of those the night before and I feel like I’m saving time in the morning. I also set up our coffee maker the night before and set it on a timer, so it just starts brewing in the morning and it’s ready when Paul heads out to work. 

4. Move my body. Whether it’s a workout class at a studio, trying to get in a walk with the dog, or doing something at home (treadmill or Pilates class).  I feel so much better when I move. I do try to start my day with exercise, because gosh the days are busy. But even on days I am not able to get my workout in first thing, I do something later in the day. Even if its 20 minutes on the treadmill at 8pm!

5. I take  my vitamins and supplements. To be honest a couple of years ago I was very hit or miss with these things. These last 12 months I have been much more consistent with this and notice a huge difference in how I feel. I take my vitamins at night, that’s my personal preference. I take magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin D, and B12. In the morning, I take my plant based wellness supplements to help keep my head clear throughout the day and to regulate my digestion.  You can grab my regimen here adn get $10 off, plus a free gift!  Paul prefers to take his in the morning  and yes, we are now at the point in our lives, where we have matching pill containers. LOL

6. Eat breakfast. It might actually be my favorite meal of the day.  I hear so often that people don't like or don't eat breakfast and I can't imagine. I usually start my day with about 40-45 grams of protein at breakfast and it has made a big difference in how I feel throughout the day. I typically have my protein, followed by some greek yogurt with fruit or I may do a couple eggs. 

7. I talk to my Mom. I call her every day. Not much to talk about most days, but I call her everyday to chat even if just for a few minutes. If it's a crazy day with work travel or kids' schedules I'll text her to check in and let her know I will call her the next day. But 99% of days I call my Mom. 

Now for something I don't do. One thing that I don’t do every day is make my bed! I like structure in my life, I have a calendar for all of our personal stuff, a weekly meal plan, an organized all  items facing forward refrigerator (think, like sleeping with the enemy movie- crazy I know!)  But I have never in my life been a bed maker. I don’t know why, but it really doesn’t bother me either way. Now on the days I wash my sheets, I do love the feeling of getting into that freshly made bed, but I guess not enough to make it every day! anyway. I'm sure this is probably a controversial topic, but it’s just never been my thing. 

So there you have it. My list of 7 random things I do every day and one thing I don't!  How about you? Any fun, random or great things you do everyday? Drop them in the comments!

I'll see you back here on Friday. There is always room for one more at our family table. 



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