Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Day in the Life February 2024

Happy Wednesday friends! 
So I am not sure about you, but one of my favorite posts to read or stories to watch on Instagram is a "Day in the Life". I don't what it is about the mundane day to day in a friend or stranger's day that fascinates me, but it sure does!

I decided to document my day last Saturday, Feb 2nd. I shared it along Instagram throughout the day and am sharing it here in blog form in case you missed it!

My day started early with a 530am wake up call. This not really out of the norm for me. I get up at 415 several days during the week to workout, so I guess 530 is sleeping in. I have shared before that I don't love sleeping in. Anything past 7am and I feel like I have missed half of my day!  

I got up, fed the dog and got my morning lineup ready. 
For years I was a diehard coffee first thing in the morning person. I'm talking bring it up to my bathroom to drink while I am getting ready. Like I thought about my morning cup of coffee as I went to bed.  In my journey over the last 6 months into bettering my health, I have read a lot about not having coffee first thing, but to have water/electrolytes and to wait on coffee for a bit to allow your brain fog lift. Mel Robbins had a doctor on one of her podcasts that shared some insight on it. It was a great listen.

My morning lineup looks like this. 
 I start my day with protein- one scoop of protein powder, collagen and 8oz of almond milk. I also have my plant based wellness drops (I'll have a post to share on this soon) and a digestive gummy (helps to keep things moving along).  After that I add my electrolytes to 25 oz of water to sip on throughout the first part of the morning.  I have felt amazing since starting my day like this. I used to have 2 cups of coffee and always need another one around 3pm. Not anymore. I have a cup about 2 hours after I wake up. Mostly because I like the taste, not for the caffeine jolt. 

More on my morning routine in another post, let's get back to my day. At 620am I was making my first high school drop off for the day, as I took Ella to get the bus to her track meet. 

I headed back home, got dressed and woke up Luke. He had to be at basketball practice by 745am. Paul had gotten up with me and was already gone to get some bloodwork done. I made Luke an egg sandwich for breakfast, myself a yogurt bowl and jotted out our meal plan and grocery list for the week. 

Luke and I left at 735 to pick up our neighbor and head back to the high school for practice. 

After drop off I grabbed myself a coffee, got gas, stopped at the post office and made the drive to Ella's track meet. They race at a college about an hour from us. 

There were approximately one million athletes running, but thankfully I got there on time to see her race and headed out right after! She had a great race, earning a new personal record. 

Got home and had lunch with the dog, as the boys had left for Cleveland. Luke had a 2 day volleyball tournament there. 
This has been one of my go to lunches. High protein and tastes like a deconstructed chicken parm!
I use 1/2 cup of cottage cheese (Good Culture is my favorite), top with 1/4 cup or Rao's sauce and microwave for about 1 minute. I add 3 chicken tenders (I found a pretty clean/organic brand) that I air fry and add some crushed red pepper flakes for a little heat. Add a salad and it's a great lunch. 

The sun was finally out, after a really gray January. I took Maddie for a walk and she enjoyed the sunshine as much as I did!

After our walk I got in a quick workout in the basement and then headed to Lumos Sauna. I just recently started visiting this place. I have been reading up on the benefits of infrared sauna and have been trying to get there at least once a week.  So I grabbed my book and headed in the sauna for 30 minutes of peace and warmth. I'll be sharing my thoughts on this book soon- I am loving it!

From there it was onto Target, Dicks and Wegmans.

 That all took way longer than I thought, because I saw so many people I knew and chatted with! Of course I did... I was unshowered from my workout and still sweating from the sauna. It only made sense I would see everyone I knew! 

Made it home to unload and help Ella get ready for Winter Homecoming. 
We both had some sushi and she was off for the night with her friends. 
I put away groceries, started on the many loads of laundry and enjoyed a quiet night at home with the dog while I worked on some new blog posts and recipes.  
My day wrapped up after 11pm as I picked up Ella from her friend's house. I was in PJs and slippers... I was wiped out by that time of the day! 
It was a full Saturday and my last one at home for a while! We have a busy few weeks coming up with another volleyball tournament, family trip, work trip and the start of our college tours for Ella. 

Hope you enjoyed following along to see a day in my life!
I'll see you back here on Friday, where there is always room for one more at our family table.
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