Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Fun Holiday Link up!

Hey friends! I am so excited that December is here!!! We had a great weekend and kicked off our month with a little visit from Percy our elf. 
So I am feeling all kinds of festive and excited to link up with the ladies over at  The Blended Blog for a Holiday Edition of TBB Asks. 

So grab your Peppermint Mocha or Gingerbread Latte and let's get into some holiday fun!
1. Candy Canes? Yes or No? 
Yes! Preferably from our  Hot Cocoa  Bar.

2. Christmas Morning early riser or sleep in?
EARLY. I think I have been up waiting for the kids to wake up every year! I love to get up, start brewing some holiday flavored coffee, turn on all the twinkle lights and anxiously wait for this moment....

3. Did you shop on Black Friday? Yes or No
I took Luke out shopping. He bought a few gifts. I got paper towels and laundry detergent. I did place a few orders online though.
Ella was shopping for 9 hours and she represented well for our family!

4. Christmas Tree up in November? Yes or No
Thanksgiving weekend every year!

5. Do you get Holiday ideas from Pinterest? Yes or No
I do scroll around for inspiration, but I am not a "Pinner"😉

6. Christmas Glam or Ugly Sweater?
Neither? We are more Christmas Casual. My goal on Christmas Day is usually to stay in Christmas PJs all day!

7. Stocking Stuffers : Wrapped or Unwrapped?
Unwrapped. I did not know wrapping was a thing?

8. Traditional or Modern Christmas Songs?
I love a mix of both, but am currently obsessed with anything Pentatonix Christmas.
That's Christmas to Me [Deluxe Edition] - image 1 of 1

9. Fruitcake? Yes or No
I have never tried it. So I am going to say no.

10. Is your Christmas Shopping Finished? Yes or No
I am about 75% there.

11. Is there snow in December where you live?
Yep and sometimes in April too....but it's definitely prettiest in December!

12. Classic Show: A Charlie Brown Christmas or Rudolph?
Rudolph. I am just not a big Charlie Brown fan.

Have the best week! See you soon, there is always room for one more at our family table.

4 comments on "A Fun Holiday Link up!"
  1. Your tree looks great! Have the Best week,


  2. I had to laugh at your snow answer... that's pretty much how it is here too and while I don't mind it in December or January you can bet I'll whine about it in April or May! My mom always wrapped every single item in our stockings but since I really do not enjoy wrapping I just can't bring myself to do that and I feel like things wouldn't fit as well.

  3. Ah! Love this post! Wish I came across it earlier! I will follow from now on and participate!

    I am loving Pentatonix! I live in Florida so no snow for us. Our Elf's name is Christina and she arrived a little late (LOL I forgot OOPS!)

  4. Wow, your house looks beautiful in the snow! I had never heard of wrapped stocking stuffers either! Hope you have a wonderful week.


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