Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites....Goodbye November

Hey friends!!! I am ready to flip my calendar tomorrow and say Hello December!! My favorite month of the year. And I have a feeling our elf may be flying into town tomorrow....

Crazy to think November is coming to an end... I shared a peek into our November in my What's Up Wednesday post.
And now onto Friday Favorites... grab a coffee, cozy blanket and read on as I link up with some of my favorite bloggers, ErikaNarci & Andrea to share some favorites from the week!

Luke had his first chorus concert this week and a boy in a bow tie is always a favorite!!!
And here he is with two of his favorite ladies after the performance😊 

We put up our tree last weekend. This view is always a favorite in my book!

Last Friday my Aunt Ellen took Ella Black Friday shopping. They went together last year and it is now officially a tradition. One they both love!!!
Ella was up and ready to roll for her 6:45am pickup. I got this text halfway through their day....
9 hours later, she came home declaring it a successful trip!
She bought presents for lots of people on her list and a few deals for herself too. She has been saving money and giftcards from her birthday in preparation for this day! It's one of her favorite days and we love Aunt Ellen for making it such a special day!
Image may contain: 2 people, including Ellen Hawkins-Coyle, people smiling
Luke  wanted to get a little shopping done too, so he asked me to take him to Target. He originally said wake him at 7:30, but he is not a morning guy, so quickly changed his mind to go around 9😉
I reminded him it was the season of giving and he showed me his shopping list.
My favorite part was that he put and idea for himself on there too! 
We hit up Target and Dick's and were home in an hour. He got something for Ella, Paul, the dog and said he would wait until Paul takes him to get my gift so it would be a surprise. Of course he picked himself up a little something too!
They both wrapped all their gifts by themselves and put them under the tree.
They told me I could go ahead and put some of their gifts under the tree too and I told them they were way ahead of me!!! 

I think I can officially say my new favorite this season is Buffalo Plaid. I mean, maybe it's because I am a Buffalo girl, but I cannot get enough! I bought a big huge roll of that style ribbon at Hobby Lobby and I have put it everywhere and LOVE it!
I added little pops of this plaid wherever I could. And homework is always better with extra marshmallows in your hot cocoa!
I love it as home decor, and then I saw  these earrings at my cousin's shop!!!! LOVE!
 Plaid Earrings
$10 for this adorable-ness!! You can snag a pair here in white or red, but I would probably just get both to be safe😉
Also I saw this and think it's perfect because it is reversible! The all plaid is great for Christmas and then the tan with plaid trim is perfect for January and February.

Reversible Runner

And that's a wrap on a few of my favorites on this last day of November.
We have got a weekend filled with some basketball, dance and a little more decorating!
Hope you have the best weekend!
See you on Monday, there is always room for one more at our family table.
3 comments on "Friday Favorites....Goodbye November"
  1. Those earrings are so cute! Also, I love buffalo plaid too. Your home looks beautiful. I love that your kiddos have already wrapped their gifts. What a fun time of year! Happy December!

  2. Your kids shopping & getting their gifts wrapper is TOO CUTE! Way ahead of me too lol ;) Your home looks so cozy too!

  3. Aw, I love those photos of her shopping day; looks like she was having lots of fun. Going out on Black Friday is my idea of torture but I get how others might enjoy it. :) My boys just ordered their gifts for each other today on Amazon and I was impressed with how generous they were for gift giving since they were spending their own hard earned money. I love seeing that.


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