Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Little Life Lately.....

Hey friends!!! So it has been a while since I shared a little life lately here on the blog. Nothing too exciting to report, just a random bunch of pictures from the last couple weeks. 
So not sure if you have this issue with your fuzzy one, but she loves to be near me. Especially when I am cooking dinner. I think she is hoping that cheese magically falls down to her. I am constantly tripping over her, I mean she plops herself right in my zone!

Luke had crazy hair day at school to celebrate Spirit Week and all he wanted was to color his hair. I got a can of red, temporary hair spray and he was a happy camper. It really was temporary and washed right out, which made me a happy camper too!

We had a cold and wet Fall, but managed to squeeze in a trip to our local cider mill for apple cider slushies and apple donuts! 
This weather has had me wanting all the soups and I have already made this  Carrot Ginger and Roasted Vegetable one a few times. It is Ella's favorite!
Luke has been obsessed with these Teeny Mates. They are not always easy to find and they are in a "blind package" so you don't know what your are getting, but his is OBSESSED. So he was happy to spend a little of his money at Target on a new pack!  
Ella and I have been training the last 8 weeks for a 5k. I have loved coaching her and 13 other girls to accomplish this big goal. We had our race last weekend (with 1400 runners!) and it was so fun! 
Look at her big smile as she runs to the finish!!  
So proud of her and all the girls that ran! And she was fast... I struggled to keep up with her pace! 
My sports minded kiddo. A  jersey and Sportscenter to start his day..... 
Funny story.....a few weeks ago I cleaned out my closet and found two gift cards in one of my wallets. One was $17 to Marshalls and the other was a $100 spa giftcard! It was given to me 11 years ago, after I had Ella. I called the number on the card and it was still valid! So last week I took myself to get a massage, then got myself a holiday drink and wandered around some of the home shops at the mall. It was a pretty perfect Thursday! 
So that's a bit of life lately around here. 
Things will be getting busy the next few weeks as Luke has started his travel basketball season and all the holiday fun will start!!!
See you soon....there is always room for one more at our family table.

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