Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Thankful Tree

Hey friends!! I hope you guys had a fun Halloween! Ours was wet and chilly, but my crew still came home with lots of sweet treats. And lucky for me, Paul walked around with them and I stayed home...cozy and passing out candy to all the neighborhood cuties!
 Now moving right along to Thanksgiving! I cannot believe it will be here in just a few weeks. One of our favorite Thanksgiving traditions is our Thankful tree.

Every year on November 1st we start our Thankful Tree at our house, so I a reposting this tradition. It's simple, sweet and a fun thing to do leading up to Thanksgiving.....

A few years ago a good friend told me about a Thankful Tree she does with her kids. It's really a cute idea. We have a tree silhouette hanging in the kitchen and each night at dinner we add a leaf to it. We each write something we are thankful for and put it on the tree. It's fun to look back and see what we have written.
The fist week you will find some pretty traditional things, but as we get closer to Thanksgiving everyone gets a little more creative and unique with their thinking.
It doesn't have to be a can just write it down a piece of paper or make a paper table runner and add something each day. The point is that in the craziness of everyday life, it's nice to stop and appreciate the things we have. 
As our Thankful tree fill up, I love all the school projects that come home. The stuff the kids write about being thankful for just makes me smile. 

I hope you can all take a minute to appreciate what you have this month.....a little gratitude can go a long way!
Have a great day! See you tomorrow...there's always room for one more at our family table.
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