Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites....Hello November!!!

Oh friends I am so happy to see Friday!!! This has been a LOOONG week. We started the week past our bedtime on Sunday watching the World Series...then up late again watching our Bills play Monday Night Football...Tuesday was a fun Halloween Dinner...Wednesday was Trick or Treating and Halloween fun....last night brought dance and basketball practice....
So excuse me while I pour some more coffee in my cup and think about turning the clocks back on Sunday. 😉
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As always, I am linking with some of my favorite bloggers, ErikaNarci & Andrea to share some of my favorites from this week! So grab your coffee, get cozy and check out a few of my favorite things from the week.

My first favorite this week is all the Halloween fun! We had our fun Halloween dinner on Halloween Eve. We had some after school activities on Halloween and it was going to be rushed, so we just moved our fun meal up one day. My parents and sister came over and we had a spooky dinner.
We had Frankenstein Salad, Pumpkin Pasta, Cauliflower Bones, Bug Juice, and of course Mummy Dogs!
Halloween was chilly and wet, but that seems to be the trend the last few years. And it doesn't seem to faze my crew. Luckily they had costumes we could layer some warm clothes underneath!
And lucky for me, Paul took them through the neighborhood and I stayed home (warm & cozy) passing out candy!

Ella and I are running a race this weekend and we planned a practice run last weekend. It was freezing and pouring, but she still wanted to go. So we got in our three miles.....
and warmed up with some hot cocoa!

If you saw my What's Up Wednesday post, then you already read this story, but I am sharing again. So I am not sure what it is, but we have been off our "Fall game" this year and this pretty much sums it up....
 I love doing Fall things and every year we go to this cute ski town and visit Pumpkinville, pick pumpkins, take a chairlift ride to see the leaves, go to dinner... you know, a Hallmark Fall day. I have the kids wear something orange or plaid and get their picture with the pumpkins. This kind of picture....
Well this year it just did not happen. We have had a few weeks of cold, rainy weather which is no fun for outdoor stuff. So Monday (like two days ago Monday) my kids said "Mama, when are we going apple picking and getting a pumpkin?'. I mean, it was two days before Halloween and I had not gotten any pumpkins for our porch or carving. The kids were off from school, so we took a quick trip to the Cider Mill.
Apple Cider and Donuts. Check!
And stopped by a local market and Luke grabbed a pumpkin. Ella stayed in the car, because it was cold and rainy!
Bottom line is whether your kids pick a pumpkin in early October, wearing matching outfits and posing in the patch or if one sits in the car and the other grabs one at the grocery store 2 days before Halloween....they are going to have just as much fun carving it. And you will still throw it out a few days later. So give yourself some grace Mamas and just have fun :)

Um...have you seen this cardigan at Target?
Women's Camo Open Cardigan - Universal Thread̢㢠Camo - image 1 of 3
Camo Cardigan
 It's pretty amazing and I think everyone needs it! Bonus, it's under $30 and all the sweaters are currently BOGO 50% off. So you can grab this one too! This one also comes in a super cute grey & blue pattern too.
Women's Fair Isle Pullover Sweater - A New Day̢㢠- image 1 of 3
Fair Isle Pullover

My kids were obsessed this week with Happy Drawings on YouTube. They show you step by step how to make fun little drawings. It was the perfect thing to do this rainy week.
They have a  bunch of different themes. We did lots of Halloween ones and can't wait to get into the Christmas ones. And I totally got sucked in. These are a few of mine.
 I find coloring so therapeutic sometimes. Like my kids will ask me to color and I am so excited to join in!!!

I am not one to by something for my kids everytime we are out shopping somewhere. I feel like they need to learn the value of money and that you cannot always get everything you want, whenever you want. So they have money they get from family around the holidays, tooth fairy money, chore money (when we are on that program😉) and that's what they have to buy things they want. And my favorite part of it all is watching them pay themselves.
 I mean there is just something about a 9 year old boy holding his precious seven dollars to buy mini sports figures that he has been thinking about for days!
And I did not take a pic of Ella, but she used her birthday gift cards to buy herself new bath towels! They have plenty of bath towels, however she likes to change the colors out with the season and loves buying new towels😊

 I shared a few favorite posts this week....
Monday brought this recipe for Pumpkin Chili. Perfect for a November Supper!

Pumpkin Chili
Wednesday I shared a little What's Up Wednesday.  A peek at what we have been up to this month.

What's Up Wednesday
And yesterday I shared one of our favorite November traditions... our Thankful Tree.

Thankful Tree

Whew.. I think that's it for the week!
We are in for a few more days of wet weather here and then looks like some sunshine for our race on Sunday! Hope you guys have a great start to November.
See you next week, there is always room for one more at our family table.
6 comments on "Friday Favorites....Hello November!!!"
  1. My kids pretty much use their own money for buying things too and I just love when they exclaim a price in sticker shock (when they would not have batted an eye if I was paying for it!). I think it's a riot that your daughter bought towels; I love that!

    1. Oh yes the sticker shock!! And then the horror when they hear about sales tax!!! Yes..she loves buying home decor items ;)

  2. Oh I just love that your daughter bought towels to change out for the season! Good luck with your race this weekend :)

    1. It really is super cute!!! And thanks.. it was a fun weekend!

  3. I am going to have to check out the Happy Drawings on YouTube that sounds like a lot of fun this winter. Also, I love the pumpkin story...have no worries Mama! That cardigan from Target is so cute, I also love that sweater. I hope you have a great weekend.

    1. It's a fun thing to do for kids and parents too ;)
      And yes.. I love me some Target sweaters!!!


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