Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Thanksgiving Questions...Answered!

Happy Monday friends! I am linking up with my friends over at the Blended Blog to share answer some fun questions around Thanksgving. So grab some coffee and let's talk turkey!

1. Have you ever kept a Gratitude Journal?
I have not, but I think I should. Writing down things I am grateful for seems like the perfect way to start or end each day. We do at Thankful Tree here at our house.
You can see the details on that tradition here. 

2. Hosting Thanksgiving at your house?
Nope. I love, love, love to cook and host parties, but I have never hosted Thanksgiving. My mom always hosted with both her family and my dad's and it was a huge gathering. It was always a hard holiday for me to host, as I had always worked retail. So that was the craziest weekend. Most Thanksgivings I had to eat and run off to work! 
This year we are heading to my brothers for Thanksgiving and we are all running the Turkey Trot in his town that morning. Can't wait!

3. Favorite Food from the Thanksgiving Meal?
Um... dessert? Specifically pumpkin pie! 
But if I have to choose from the main offerings it's probably the turkey, followed by stuffing and then cranberry sauce. I am also a sucker for the good old green bean casserole too!!!

4. What one thing in Nature are you most grateful for?
I would say around here I am most grateful for our fresh water in the Great Lakes. 
They give us the most beautiful Summers!

5. Pumpkin Pie: Yes or No?
See #3. Yes, yes and yes!

6. Traditional Cookbook: Yes or No?
Our Thanksgiving meals are pretty traditional. And I love a traditional cookbook. I could barely make mac and cheese from a box when Paul and I got married and now I LOVE to cook. It is probably my favorite part of the day. I have a collection of cookbooks that I get inspiration from, with my favorite being Ina Garten
Cook Like a Pro : Recipes and Tips for Home Cooks -  by Ina Garten (Hardcover) - image 1 of 1
She just released a new one and it's on my holiday wishlist😉

7. Oven Baked or Deep-Fried Turkey?
Growing up we always had oven baked and it was delicious. Last year my brother fried one and it was amazing too. I am ok either way, just give me turkey on Thanksgiving!

8.Thanksgiving Leftovers? Yes or No?
I can go either way with the dinner part, but pumpkin pie for breakfast the morning after is a must. 
All my crazy years working Black Friday I think started off with pumpkin pie for breakfast!

9. What is one household product you are most grateful for?
Hmm..... not sure about most grateful for, but the one I would take with me to a deserted island would be coconut oil. I use it to cook, bake, take makeup off, smooth my hair and moisturize my skin. So I am going with coconut oil!

10. Are you most grateful for home cooked meals or restaurant meals?
I am grateful for my love and ability to make home cooked meals nearly every night. As I said, it is most definitely my happy place, hence the name of this blog, The Family Table.But I am also grateful for a restaurant meal.... on a Friday night... after a busy week....where they serve tacos and endless chips and salsa!!!

Ok, now I am hungry!!!!  So I will share a simple, slow cooker meal that has some great tastes of Thanksgiving.
This Cranberry Crockpot Chicken is a winner.

Fresh cranberries and orange good! You can see the recipe here.

Have the best week friends! See you soon, there is always room for one more at our family table.

6 comments on "Thanksgiving Questions...Answered!"
  1. Look at those desserts, love reading your answers. I shared your OCT TBB as one of out Tops over at TBB today! Happy week ahead!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for sharing my October TBB! So exciting! Here's to a great week!

  2. I'm a big fan of coconut oil as well. Enjoy your week.

  3. We used to do a thankful tree each year when the boys were younger too. We had gotten out of the habit but this year I found a cloth one at the dollar spot in Target and I think I might resurrect that tradition.

    1. Yes I saw that one at Target!!! They had a really cute wreath option too!


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