Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Giving Tuesday

Hey friends!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! We had a great time with family and enjoyed a little break from work and school and kicked off our day running the Turkey Trot.
Image may contain: 3 people, including Genevieve Perryman, people smiling, people standing
FYI...It was 6 degrees at race time. Yes, 6. FREEZING!
So now that we had Black Friday (which I think was really Thursday), Small Business Saturday (actually Saturday) and Cyber Monday (which seemed to start on Sunday), today is an important day to get back to the meaning of this whole season. Today is Giving Tuesday
Image result for giving tuesday logo

Are you asking yourself..What is this? Well, it is a global day of giving, helped out through social media, to help kick off the charitable giving season.
It does not mean you have to give today, but you should plan how you can give back this holiday season. Our family has partnered with a local foundation here to make the holidays a little brighter to a family in need. The PUNT Foundation is an amazing foundation here in Buffalo that helps families with children battling pediatric cancer. With the help of some friends, this is our 7th year adopting a family for Christmas. I'm sure most communities have organizations that are in need of people willing and able to give this time of year. If you are not sure where to go, you can search your town on the Giving Tuesday site to find organizations close to you.

There are so many ways you can help this season.
Link up with some friends to adopt a family.
Pick up some special requests from a local angel tree.
Bring blankets to a local homeless shelter.
Bring food to your local food pantry.
Donate to a local animal shelter.
Pay it forward in the drive-thru line.
I found this list and thought there were some great ideas on how to give back. You can see them all here.
But it is not just about giving financially. There are so many ways you can give your time too.
Volunteer at a food pantry or soup kitchen.
Stop in to visit at a nursing home.
Volunteer to help out at an animal shelter.
Sign up to be a mentor for young kids that need guidance.

If nothing else, be kind, especially during this time of year. I am resharing this from a post I did last year about teaching my children to be kind. So put these tips into your own world and be kind today and everyday.
 I can teach my children to be kind. 
Kind to the person that helps them at the checkout.
Kind to the server when eating at a restaurant.
Kind to the janitor that is cleaning their school.
Kind to the kid in class that needs a friend.
Kind to the older lady that smiles at them as if they are her own grandchildren.
Kind to the carrier that is delivering our mail.
Kind to the child screaming in the grocery store.
Kind to the person that looks different than them.
Kind to the person that may speak differently.
Kind to the person that may dress differently.
Just be kind never know what heartache someone may carry. 
Be kind and give back this holiday season😊
See you soon, there is always room for one more at our family table.
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