Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites- It's Gingerbread Weekend!

Happy Fri-yay friends! This is my favorite weekend of the year! We are hosting Ella's 5th Annual Gingerbread Party on Sunday and I can' wait! And if that wasn't enough fun, we are also going to our Theater of Youth for a Christmas play with my mom and sister...followed be a holiday party at our neighbors! Seriously, this is me thinking about this weekend right now....

But before we head into the weekend, let's link up with Andrea, Narci, and Erika and talk Friday Favorites! Here are some of my favorite things from this week.

Christmas Cards! I finished getting ours stuffed & stamped and they are ready to send out. I will share our card next week. We have started to get some in the mail this week and I just love getting them. It's so fun to get that in the mail instead of junk or a bill... plus the kids love opening them too!
Citrus Fruit! So a few weeks ago I was all about pears, but now I can't get enough citrus. Grapefruit, clementines, oranges... I am loading up on my Vitamin C! E & L are right with me too. I have a bunch of oranges sliced and ready to go when they get home from school. And who doesn't love an orange smile!
Even Percy was feeling the citrus this week!

Outside lights. We put up some twinkle lights outside last weekend and they just make me smile. I love a house lit up in twinkle lights... or really anything in twinkle lights is pretty great! I shared a peek inside our Christmas decor on Tuesday. You can catch up here if you missed it.

St Nicholas came to visit. Every year on December 5th, the kids leave their shoes out by their bedroom door for St. Nicholas. I grew up with this tradition and love that my kids think it's the best thing ever to find candy in their shoe! Luke left the sweetest note and some his Halloween candy for St. Nicholas.... that kid has the sweetest heart!

This jacket I got for Ella. I just adore the Cat & Jack line at Target... so many cute things! She needed a nicer winter jacket (other than a ski coat) and was not a huge fan of the dressy wool style. This one was just perfect!  A little dressier, but still within her fashion guidelines. You can shop it here.
This one is really cute too!
And speaking of Target, they have the cutest gift bags this year! I loved these for bottles of wine...
Party Prep!! Ella &  I have been busy setting the table and building little houses....24 to be exact! I build them a few days before so they have a chance to set & dry. Nothing worse than a meltdown over a collapsed house! Here's a peek at what we have been working on...

I cannot wait!

Stocking Stuffers!! I love finding perfect little trinkets to stuff stockings with! I shared some ideas on the blog this week. If you missed it, you can catch up here.

New recipe alert!! Paul loves Chicken Parm... whats not to love about pasta & cheese?? I was on a mission to make it a little "better for you" and tried it out this week. My crew loved and you can find the recipe here.

And that's a wrap for my favorites from this week!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend friends. See you next week... we will be sharing all the details from our Gingerbread Party. Hope you will join us....there's always room for one more at our family table.

2 comments on "Friday Favorites- It's Gingerbread Weekend!"
  1. Sounds like you're going to have a super fun weekend! We always did Cookie Day when I was little, loved it! Now I want to make a Gingerbread house haha
    Happy Weekend!


  2. I also host a cookie day for my daughter's friends! I'm working on changing it up a bit this year. Love the shoes with goodies. I have heard of that tradition before! Such fun. Have a wonderful weekend!


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