Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up.......Here's to 39!

Is it really only 6 days until Christmas??? I am so excited... but so sad at the same time. I can't wait for all the fun this week, but don't want it all to be over! #mixedemotions
We had a busy and fun holiday weekend... a few Christmas things and celebrated my birthday!
Friday started out not exactly how I planned. Our furnace decided to stop functioning on what felt like the coldest night of the year. I mean....temps were in the single digits with a brutal wind chill. So Friday morning I was bundled up by the fire waiting for the repairman.
And randomly... my parents furnace went out the same night... what are the odds?? Thankfully we are both fixed and toasty warm again!
Friday night we celebrated my birthday with some good friends. We had dinner at Toutant... I had been wanting to get there for a while!  It has a New Orleans inspired menu and was so yummy! It did not disappoint! A few pics from our night......
We have had some good snow this week, which led to lots of playing in the snow...building snow seats to drink cocoa in and a little sledding in our neighbor's yard!

Saturday we took the kids to see Santa. I have heard great things about Kelly's Country Store and the Christmas experience there. We just never made it out that way and decided to fit it in this year. They dropped their wishlists in the North Pole mailbox and told Santa their wishes too!

And bonus....there was an old fashioned candy shop! Luke was in heaven... he loves all things gummy!
After Santa we were pretty close to Niagara Falls and decided to stop.  I love seeing it in the winter...the ice and snow on the trees around it looks so cool! Had a great afternoon!

We finished wrapping up some gifts for teachers and happy to be all shopped and wrapped and just enjoy fun holiday activities this week!
Every year I take the kids to buy a gift for each other. It is probably one of their most favorite parts of Christmas. Luke wanted to go to Justice for Ella....he was dying to get her the "poop" emoji pillow.... we did not get it, but I was cracking up as he was eyeing it up!
He was totally checking to see who was watching before he grabbed that pillow!

They are so excited to wrap it and give that gift to each other on Christmas morning. They stop opening their own stuff and ask if they can give that gift. Its so sweet and I am glad we started this tradition.

On Sunday we celebrated my birthday with  my parents and sister. I love to cook and cooked my first ever turkey and ended dinner with a Coconut Cream favorite! A few pics from the night....

The kids put on a birthday performance!
My first turkey turned out pretty good!
And speaking of is a new recipe for your Meatless Monday....Coconut Crusted Cod with Pineapple Mango Salsa. You can get the recipe here.

It was a great birthday weekend... excited for what 39 will bring! Such a fun week ahead with school Christmas parties, Cookie Exchange with my girlfriends, neighborhood caroling and more! Next post I will be sharing some of our Christmas traditions...stop by to check it out and share yours. There's always room for one more at our family table.

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