Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Christmas Weekend Wrap Up...Part 1

Oh my goodness, what a whirlwind 4 days we have had!! This may have been our best Christmas yet!  Here is a wrap up of the first two days.. I'll share the rest tomorrow. I really liked Christmas on a Sunday......I felt like we were celebrating for four days!And I must warn..both posts will be picture overload!
Our fun Christmas weekend started on Friday with Christmas PJ Day for the kiddos at school......
Luke and his class had a Polar Express themed day and Ella's class built gingerbread houses.. with a twist. Her teacher gave each of the kids a list of items to choose & they had a $20 budget to build their house. They had to figure out how much they were spending....such a fun learning twist!
After dinner we met up with friends and neighbors for some caroling....

We had lots of kids... and tried our best to get a group shot!
I just love this picture!
After caroling we hung out for some more fun and hot cocoa! We just love our neighborhood so much!
We woke up on Saturday morning and kicked off  Christmas Eve with Santa pancakes.....
then opened a few gifts Grandma &Grandpa sent from Florida...
And got dressed to head out to my parents for a heartbreaking Bills game & afternoon Mass.
We had Christmas Eve dinner at my parents and opened presents.....

My dad was totally stumped with this gift! Luke was making up all kinds of stories as to what it was. It was a snow rake... to help clear snow off the roof... exciting!

Paul got a gift in his annual VS box!
And we managed to sneak in a family pic....#happymama
My sister & I were in matching outfits (not planned) and she thinks she fits comfortably on my lap!
We headed home, changed back into Christmas PJs... read a few Christmas books...Paul & I watched Christmas Vacation... and we said Good Night!
Stop back tomorrow for all our Christmas Day shenanigans.... super early wakeup....lots of fun games... a little Pie Face and more....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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