Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up-Holiday Fun!

How is it Monday already?? Anyone else feel like the weekend flew by? And... 13 days until Christmas! We had such a fun holiday weekend, despite a little girl that was feeling a little under the weather....tis the season!
The kids stayed at my parents Friday night and I got to wrapping! Paul was out, so I had the house to myself. Insert a holiday movie, cozy PJs and I was on a mission to get it all done.
And... mission accomplished!
I was up bright & early on Saturday, as I had to take Paul to the airport at 4am!!!! He was off for a long weekend to visit his parents in Florida. I took advantage of being up early and went to the grocery store and got some party prep done. 
We had plans for lunch and the theater that afternoon, but Ella woke up not feeling well, so we skipped lunch, but still made it to the show. It was a cute production based on the Junie B. Jones book, "Jingle Bells,Batman Smells". Ella made it through the show, but just wanted to go home to sleep...poor girl! I did manage to sneak a picture of this handsome guy....
Love him so much!!!
We had a neighborhood party that night, but Ella was still resting, so we skipped it. Luke and I hung out and built gingerbread houses instead. 
I was praying that Ella would feel better, and thankfully after sleeping for 14 hours, she woke up feeling like herself again and starving for breakfast. So off we went for a bagel run in our PJs!
My mom came to take Luke for the day, while Ella and I got ready for the Gingerbread Party. It was such a sweet afternoon! I'll share all the details later this week...I am wiped out from the past few days! There was lots of candy, giggles, and good friends!

After the party the kids were so excited to go out and play in the snow... it was our first good snow of the season! 
And as I went out to check on them, the house looked so pretty with the fresh new snow I had to take a picture....

Whew.... it was a whirlwind of a weekend! One of my favorite weekends of the year! I hope you all had a fun weekend too!! We will be back this week sharing all the details from the party, some favorite Christmas movies, and a fun Christmas tradition that I do with each of the kids. I hope you will join us....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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