Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

New Year, New You

Happy Monday friends!! Gosh we had a great weekend with no plans!!! It felt good to just relax and finish cleaning up from the holidays. Aside from the Bills loss, it was a pretty great weekend. Today I am linking up with some friends over at The Blended Blog for their monthly TBB asks. A series of random questions for the month. I thought it would be fun to link up and answer these, so here we go.....

Not Really resolutions....more like goals or something to make an effort to do better.
Like this year it is incorporating more plant based meals into our meal plan and continue reading a minimum of 2 books a month. I read 36 books last year and shared my favorites in a post last week.
 I love snow in December & January.
By February I am done. And don't get me started on our snowy Easters!
Every year we visit Paul's parents in Florida and try to stop somewhere new and different as we make our way back home. Last year we visited Hilton Head Island and loved it.
This year we are headed to check our Jekyll Island.
Color for sure. I like my hair long, but love switching up the color now and then!
Why is this the toughest question for me?? But really this is one of my "things" for this year... to do something for me. Last month one of my best girlfriends and I went out to dinner on a random weeknight and it was just so good. We do lots of fun stuff as a family and as a couple, but I need to schedule in a little more time with my girlfriends. So I guess that is something special I want to do for me this year!
 It feels so dark.... and so cold... the days can seem really long.
I love that fresh start feeling January brings!
Usually by New Year's Day.  I love me some Christmas, but after the holiday is over and I am ready for it to come down. Our kids go back to school the day after New Year's, so I like everything to be cleaned up and put away before we get back into our school routine.
 I don't diet in January, but after eating meals made up of dips and appetizers in December, my body is craving vegetables come January.
Our basement. I always have really good intentions to put away my holiday decor in some neat, organized fashion, but it doesn't seem to happen that way. Every year I pull it our and say to myself, "when I put this away I am going to toss/donate what I don't use and really organize this".  So yes, I lie to myself every year, because it doesn't happen. I am just so ready to take it down, I toss it all back in the bins with no rhyme or reason. I will say that all my Christmas is in red & green bins, Fall is in orange & black bins, and Spring is in Pink bins. So I do have that going for me.
 My favorite Winter comfort food would probably be mashed potatoes. We don't have them very often, but when I make them it sure feels like a cozy meal. Add a little gravy on top....heaven.
I actually did a blog post last year about some of my guilty pleasures. I would have to say it is Starbucks coffee. I love it for a few reasons. First I love the taste of their coffee (Pike Place is my favorite), secondly I like their cups. Strange I know- but they are a comfortable fit in my hand. And last...this is where it gets more guilty... I love the look of the Starbucks cup in an outfit post.
So basic, I know, but you can show your outfit, bracelets and nail color perfectly holding that cup!
And there you have it, a bit about how I feel about some January things!
How do you feel about January? Fresh start or long & boring?
See you tomorrow, there's always room for one more at our family table.
12 comments on "New Year, New You"
  1. I should totally go through my Christmas bins and weed things out too...but...probably not happening right now.

    Happy 2018!


  2. Oh, yes on the mashed potatoes! I always forget about those as a comfort food and yet they are one of my favorites. Love your winter wonderland!

    1. Yes.. mashed potatoes...the forgotten comfort food! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hi Genevieve! I hear you about putting away the decorations in an orderly fashion. I always have good intentions. Enjoy your week.

  4. Stopping by from this fun link up! I'm so happy to hear that you loved your visit to Hilton Head Island as we'll be going there for the first time this fall! Hope you and your adorable family have a fantastic start to 2018!
    Brenda //

    1. Hi Brenda! Yes we really loved our time there. Be sure to rent can bike all over the town!

  5. Thanks for linking up with us- your snowy winter wonderland looks great!


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