Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Little Life Lately....

Hi friends! Well the holidays have come and gone and gosh our calendar is looking sparse. And it's kind of nice. 
Image result for january picture
We have not been up to too much. Trying to stay warm, as it has been a freezing start to the new year and cleaning up after the holidays has been our excitement. 

Here is a little bit of what we have been up to.
 Last week we all went to see the new Star Wars movie. I really liked this one. It helped my understand the last couple a bit better. I guess this one just tied it all together for me, because the last couple I left feeling confused and asking Paul who was who!
We celebrated New Year's Eve Eve with some of our baseball family. Such a great group of boys that Luke plays with. 
And some great moms too! 
 I decided to make some mini cupcakes for the party and went a little overboard. I forgot just how many mini cupcakes a batch of batter makes! Luckily we were going to a party the next night, so I was able to bring a bunch there too.
 Although Maddie would have happily taken some off my hands!
We had fun at a friends' house celebrating the New Year.
And then this popped up in my Facebook memories. Luke on NYE, five years ago. He has always been the life of the party! 
Luke has been asking to go to IHOP for about two months. He saw a commercial for stuffed french toast and has been asking weekly to go. There is not one too close to our house, but we finally gave in last weekend and went. He was so pumped....although I think it was too sweet....even for him!
We had friends over on Sunday to help root on our Buffalo Bills. Not the out come we hoped for, but it was an exciting week in Buffalo as we waited to see our team in the playoffs (it had been 18 years!) 
After the Bills lost, Luke made a quick change into his Carolina gear. Unfortunately for Luke, that game did end the way he wanted either. 
And that's about it! 
How about you guys? Enjoying a low key January too?
Be sure to stop by tomorrow, we are sharing our goals & resolutions for the new year. There's always room for one more at our family table.

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