Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Frozen Beach Trip

Hi friends! We are beach people...we love the sand in our toes, the fresh water...the calm the water brings.
But we usually "beach it" during Summer months or on a Winter getaway to Florida.
This past weekend we decided to check out our local the dead of Winter.... and it was so fun!
 It was a beautiful, sunny day. And at 35 degrees, it felt warm with the sun shining. The lake is pretty much completely frozen over and it was really so neat to see. 
 The shore line was little "mountains" of ice and sand that were so fun for walking along.
It was such a cool backdrop, so Ella had fun with some pictures. 
 There were some spots of water running through the sand and ice. Of course Luke wanted to "check it out" and ended up with a hot foot!
There were so many trees washed up on the shore. They made for a great photo op! 
 Loving my Sunday afternoon with this crew. 
 When we told the kids we were going to check the beach out, they were not entirely thrilled. They did not get what there was to do at a frozen beach. I really wasn't sure either, but thought it would be fun to find out. They loved it and thought it was so cool to explore. 
Luke was determined to "break the ice". He kept launching rocks towards the lake.  
There was a section where some runoff came into the lake that was not completely frozen. 
It still made for a good spot to explore. 
I was in awe at the amount of debris and trees that washes up this time of year. This spot is usually all sand during the Summer months! 
We stopped at a lakeside restaurant to warm up and grab a few snacks. We looked out on the water and could see some people driving their four wheelers across the ice to their fishing spot. We all agreed that ice fishing was not for us! 
And then the kids gave us a little entertainment while we waited for our food. 

Such a fun day! I really loved seeing the beach from a new perspective. Although truth be told, it has me really wishing for Summer!
See you tomorrow for What's Up Wednesday.... a little peek at life over the last month.
There's always room for one more at our family table. 

2 comments on "Frozen Beach Trip"
  1. Looks like fun. What lake is that?

    1. Hi Kathy! We were at Hamburg Beach, along the Lake Erie shoreline. A fun day for sure!


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