Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Little Life Lately.......

Hey friends! So I had big plans to share some life lately around here and realized we have not been up to a whole lot! This has been our scene this past week and that's ok!! Also, please note that the dog is not allowed on our furniture, but when I look down and see the three of them snuggled up I have a hard time saying no. Yep.. I  am a complete sucker.
Before the kids started school, we enjoyed Labor Day on the water. It was a beautiful day, beautiful Summer and we loved every minute! 
Ella has done a great job transitioning right into middle school. She is so organized and ready to go out the door every morning! 
Maddie is still adjusting to everyone being gone during the day. She spends most of her day watching for the bus to come home. The rest of the day she can be found as close to me as possible. 
You know that saying, "it takes a village"... well I am a strong believer in that. I love our neighborhood and we often find ourselves with some extra kiddos getting on the bus. Our elementary bus comes late, so if someone needs to get to work early... we are happy to have some extra kids in the morning! 
\Apparently Fall came to make a preview after we had a hot first week at school.  It got so cold here....leaves on the ground... it felt like Fall. So naturally I had to make something pumpkin. These Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins from Mix & Match Mama are super simple and yummy! When I say simple, I am talking 3 ingredients. You should make them soon. They will give you all the Fall feels! 
The Clydesdale horses made a stop into town and Ella and I went to check them out. It's not everyday you see a horse drawn wagon delivering beer to the restaurants along Main St!!

And that's about it for us! We are just getting into the swing of back to school and back to activities routines.

We will see you on Friday....with a super fun Friday Favorites! Celebrating our 2nd Blogaversary! Yep, we have been blogging here for 2 years!
See you then, there is always room for one more at our family table.
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