Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites

This was  a long week.  I said it before and I'll say it again....the SuperBowl  either needs to start earlier, be played on a Saturday, or Monday should be a holiday! We all started the week tired and that is just not a good way to start. But it's Friday... so we made it!!!
I am linking up with  AndreaNarci, and Erika to share a few of my favorites from this week.
My Wednesday post on Keeping our marriage strong. It was a fun post to write & I loved reading tips from other bloggers about their relationships too. I had so much fun looking through pictures of our relationship over the past 19 years!
I have talked about these UGG slippers before, but I have to again. They are so darn comfy and cozy. I just live in them from September until April.
But the insides have seen better days..until my girl Nicole gave me this little nugget of can order new inserts! What?! dear friend shared with me this info while we were watching the SuperBowl.  So friends I felt I must share it with you... click here and order your size.  Yay!
Vacation planning.... we are gearing up for some sun and sand very soon and I cannot wait!! I started making my list of things to take and it just makes me happy! Target has some cute suits... I got this one for Ella....
I mentioned these last week, but we are filling up our doors with love....
...the kids are so excited to read their heart each morning!
Speaking of love...I shared some sweet ideas for Valentine's Day yesterday, including this cute idea for a little teacher gift!
I am loving cooking once and eating twice! Our weekly meal ideas this month have ideas on how to cook one night and turn your leftovers into a delicious salad the next night! This week was a taco salad and it was so good! Be sure to stop by on Monday for fresh new meal ideas!
Looking forward to a little vacation prep this weekend... a trip to Barnes & Noble for some beach reads for me & some books for E&L for our road trip! Not much else on our agenda! Perfect weekend to work on some blog posts for next week. Coming up we will be sharing our weekly meal plan, linking up for Show & Tell Tuesday, our weekend wrap up, and some tips for LONG road trips!  
Make it a great weekend friends and we will see you next week....there's always room for one more at our family table.

2 comments on "Friday Favorites"
  1. I hear ya on the cooking once, eating twice routine! We try to do that each week to save time and sanity. Hope you find some good books!

  2. That's a great idea to cook once, eat twice! Love the idea of hearts on the kiddos doors, I'm totally doing that!


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