Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites.... Vacation Ready!

Happy Fri-yay!  Today is an even better than usual Friday as we are heading out on vacation! Off on another adventure to visit Paul's parents in Florida and then check out Hilton Head on our way home. I am so ready for some warmth & sunshine! It has been a crazy week wrapping up work stuff before we head out. Work is always so crazy the week before vacation and just as crazy the week coming you really earn that time off! 
So before we head out......I am linking up with  AndreaNarci, and Erika to share a few of my favorites from this week.
All the Valentine's love!  I know I have said before this is not my favorite holiday, but I still have fun making it special for my crew!
 And speaking of my crew... I did a special blog post on Tuesday, sharing a little backstory about each of my loves. You an check it out here.
And these Valentine's that Luke wrote....just melt me! 
New running sneakers! Yay! I have been very loyal to Asics for the last 15 years, but I just didn't love my last pair. I needed something new and have heard a lot about these Brooks Ghost. They felt really comfy and I love the color (which is kind of important in my world)! I also got a new running water bottle and didn't even realize how well it matched my shoes until I got home! #bonus. 
I cannot wait to run in these!
Ok... this is kind of an "unfavorite" favorite. A favorite because packing means a fun trip, and unfavorite because it means packing. I do not like packing.....for myself. I could pack the kids and Paul all day. But when I get to me I am the absolute worst! So bad, that I am going to do a post about it next week. I could win an award for worlds' worst packer. See this picture....
I lay out all these great outfits as if I am going to wear them......let me tell you... I don't. I wear my bathing suit and that's pretty much it. But gosh am I ready if for some reason we go out a lot! Be sure to check back Tuesday for my post on all my packing issues!
That's about it friends! It was a crazy week getting ready and it really flew by! Lots of great posts coming up next week... Meal Planning Monday, Let's Talk Tuesday, What's Up Wednesday, and my monthly book review!  I sure hope you stop by....there's always room for one more at our family table.
2 comments on "Friday Favorites.... Vacation Ready!"
  1. Have so much fun in Hilton Head! I always loved shopping at Calliope Center, going to the lighthouse, eating at Salty Dog, and going to Shelter Cove. Have a blast!

  2. I believe that to enjoy a travel vacation one must learn to limit the number of luggage brought along and if necessary only one luggage per person. Jeftine avio karte


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