Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Show & Tell Tuesday....Show us your loves

It's Tuesday...that means our weekend wrap up, plus our next topic in Show & Tell Tuesday. I have to be honest, there is really nothing exciting to share about our weekend.... this pretty much sums it up....
Ha! Seriously... I started packing some stuff for our vacation and that was about it. And I was perfectly ok with it!! Let's get into Show & Tell Tuesday with Andrea over at Momfessionals. I linked up for a few Show & Tells last year too and am excited for this year's topics!
In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's topic is Show Us Your Loves! A little look at the loves in my life! Here we go......
A little about my guy.... I met Paul when I was 20  and working at the mall! He took me on our first date.. kayaking up the Niagara River, followed by a 10 mile rollerblading trail, and then for ice cream... which I dumped all over the front of me. And our life & love has been an adventure ever since!
Paul is an engineer.... very meticulous... . likes things to be clean....however he has loosened up a bit since having kids. Although he still is an excellent window cleaner!
He loves to keep active and we have fun doing that together as a family. He has given he kids a love of adventure and a spirit to try new of the best gifts you can give!
Paul is an awesome dad and an amazing partner! I am lucky to have him ! I blogged about how we make our marriage work last week!
Now onto E & L.  Ella and Luke are 18 months apart, almost to the day! For that reason, they are really pretty close, although neither would admit that to you! They are at that stage in life when one says up and the other says down.

 Ella... our first born.  Ella is the sweetest girl....and very much like her father. Strong willed, determined and more of a night owl! Ella was born in New Jersey and she is proud of it! It's the highlight of her life to have been born in a different state from where we currently live. Now mind you... she lived there until she was 3 months old, but consides herself a certified Jersey girl! In kindergarten she said some of the kids could not understand what she was saying and she attributed it to her accent from New Jersey. Gosh I just love her!
Ella is very athletic... a great runner, flexible, an amazing dancer,  and is wanting to play volleyball when she gets to middle school. She is pretty determined and when she wants to learn how to do something she keeps practicing until she gets it!
She also has a very strong sense of fashion and this has had some affect on her athletics. A few years ago she wanted to play softball.... she took one look at the socks she had to wear and said nope! Ha!
I love watching her grow each year.  She is trying so many new dances, learning to play the violin, and playing intramurals. She was a pretty shy kindergartner, so watching her find her way in learning new things makes my heart full.
While she has all this new stuff going on, she remains very kind to her friends, offers to help those that may need it and has the sweetest friendship with  my sister... her Aunt Emma.... a little more on that in a minute.
Luke....our baby. Luke was born smiling! This kid has a love for life!  He is forever smiling, laughing or making others laugh.  I mean this kid's cheeks have to hurt from smiling all day! From the time he was born, people have always commented that he is always smiling. And now in school, almost every teacher conference references his sense of humor. I am glad that his teachers appreciate his personality!
Luke is a very sweet boy... and he takes after me... more cautious, a cuddler, creative and an organizer....and prefers to turn in early! Luke has loved sleep since he was a baby! He used to gather his bunny and pacifier and head to his bedroom on his own! He loves to sleep in and there are many weekend mornings we have to wake him up so we can get going with our day! I can't imagine what time he will sleep to when he's in high school!
He also has some of  Paul in him with his need for things to be a certain way and his love of sports. He loves playing baseball and has really become a great player! He loves to practice with Paul and we are lucky to have a great baseball program in our town.
Luke has an artistic side to him and loves to color, draw and has some very smooth dance moves! He has my mom's love of singing and can often be heard singing himself to sleep!
Our last family love....Maddie! Maddie has been part of our family for about 2 years. We got her as an 8 week old puppy and fell in love the day she came home. Talk about unconditional love... there is no one happier to see me everyday! She is just the most loving dog and so happy she is part of our family.
So I can't end a post about my loves without talking about my sister Emma. If you were to look up the word love, you may just find her picture. She makes everyone she meets feel loved & everyone that meets her loves her!  My kids are so blessed to have her as their aunt and she is always so proud to show off her niece & nephew. They have such a special relationship with her... a very special part of who  they are.
 I know that everyone who meets her is a better are guaranteed a hug... will walk away smiling.... and hopefully spread more love!
Happy Valentine's Day friends!
We will see you soon....there's always room for one more at our family table.

4 comments on "Show & Tell Tuesday....Show us your loves"
  1. What a beautiful post! Love to all of you! Happy Valentine's Day!💕

  2. You have a great family! Happy VDay!

  3. Love the Jersey girl accent, and girl, your first date made me tired! :) Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Your kiddos sound so sweet! Sounds like you have some great Valentines! :)


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