Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites!

Happy Fri-yay!! Linking up with these girls....Andrea, Erika, and Narci for Friday Favorites.
A few of my random favorites from this week!
Pears! I cannot stop eating them!
In my morning oatmeal..
with my salad....

 and as a snack...they are just so good!

The flannel sheets! I mentioned these earlier this week and I never thought I would love them so much. They are so cozy and give me all the holiday feels. If you don't have flannel sheets, put them on your wishlist or just go treat yourself. You won't be disappointed! Even Luke's bunny just looks cozier!

Luke. We got the sweetest note from his teachers this week, sharing what a joy he is to have in class. I can't tell you how that just made my day. It was such a sweet note about our guy always ready to learn with a big smile, a laugh and even breaking into song! That's Luke...he just gets a kick out of life! So after that note and a perfect score on his science test we headed off to Barnes & Noble for a book and hot cocoa to celebrate!

Christmas Music... yes I love it and I am listening to it before Thanksgiving. I don't get caught up in the judging of when you decorate or shop or listen to music for the holidays. If it makes you happy then do it. And Christmas music makes me happy so I am listening and singing whenever I can. Even better is this new Jimmy Buffett Christmas CD... feeling the beats of a tropical Christmas!

This body scrub from Philosophy. It is that time of year in the Northeast when your skin starts to feel a little dry and this is perfect to keep skin polished. And it has the best scent too!

Ella. She has the holiday spirit and I just love it! She spent some of her money in the Target dollar section to decorate her room. She put on her Christmas PJs and cozied up to her new flannel sheets. She loves decorating and Christmas.... a girl after my own heart!

Christmas shopping! I checked a few gifts off my list this week! And if you missed Wednesday's post, be sure to check it out here. We shared some great gift ideas for kids!

We have a busy weekend ahead of us! Trying those Christmas pics again....hoping for a better outcome this time. We have some friends visiting from Wisconsin and staying with us for the weekend! We also have a wedding reception and tickets to the Sabres hockey game. And probably a little more Christmas shopping in there too! What do you have planned this weekend?

Looking forward to Thanksgiving and all it's yumminess next week. Join us as we share our weekend wrap up, some gift ideas for me & Paul too, and lots of other fun stuff!
Make it a great weekend friends & we will see you next week...there's always room for one more at our family table.

2 comments on "Friday Favorites!"
  1. New visitor! Yes, I feel the same way if it makes you happy listen to the music, decorate or whatever for the holiday whenever you want! haha I just don't see why people care, I'm not making them listen to the music! haha

    Have a great weekend!

    1. So true!! Thanks for stopping by my page! Happy Thanksgiving!


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