Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

What's Up Wednesday

Today I am linking up with Shay. Mel and Sheaffer and sharing what's up! 

A fun post on a Wednesday each month where we will answer these questions...

1. What we're eating this week.
 This week was easy, because we are only home for dinner Sunday - Wednesday. I prepped most of my stuff on Sunday afternoon. so the dinners came together pretty quick!
Sunday-  Lasagna with steamed broccoli
Monday - Lasagna with green salad
Tuesday- Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps
Wednesday -Grilled Salmon with Asparagus
Thursday- Turkey and everything else that goes with it!!
This will totally be me on Thursday!! Friday and Saturday we are meeting up with some friends that are in town, so not sure where we will end up for dinner!

2. What I'm reminiscing about....
Halloween and all things Fall. I love Fall in Buffalo....I wish it would last longer. The trees are such beautiful colors, the temps are perfect, and there are so many fun things to do. Once November comes around it seems to switch to winter really fast!
3. What I'm loving....
The Look basic shawl. It is the most versatile piece!  You can wear it so many ways!! As a vest, a wrap, a poncho, even a scarf. It is super soft... perfect this time of year and even great for cooler summer nights. It comes in a bunch of  great colors too! At $42, you need this in your life. Reach out to my friends at Research and Design to get yours!

4. What we've been up to....
We had a great weekend visiting with some friends from Wisconsin, and they brought the kids some Green Bay gear!
The kids are looking forward to their Thanksgiving break & were really excited to have PJ day at school!

5. What I'm dreading.....nothing really. This is my favorite time of year!

6. What I'm working on.....organizing our basement. UGH! I went through all my fall decor as I put it away and got rid of things I don't use and organized it a little better as I put it away. But now it's a disaster as I am in the middle of Christmas I will be working on this project for a while!

7. What I'm excited about..... All things holiday!!! Making the transition from pumpkins to peppermint! My most favorite time of year! I will be sharing our Christmas Bucket List next week. Lots of fun traditions and things to do in December!

8. What I'm watching/reading....This Is Us. I watched the premiere episode back in September and loved it! And then life got really busy and I am way behind... trying to catch up!

9. What I'm listening to.....Christmas music....all day! I can't get enough!

10. What I'm wearing...this nail polish. It's from Essie and called "Smokin' Hot"...which just makes me laugh! It's a great shade for fall..a grayish-purple color.
 nail polish
11. What I'm doing this weekend......
We are visiting with some friends on Friday that will be in town for Thanksgiving and can't wait to catch up with them! Saturday I am hoping to pop into Target in the morning... they are having a great sale on stuff in the Winter Wondershop.... wrapping paper, decor....good stuff! This gift wrap collection has my heart!
 Wrapping Paper
Sunday we are off to the Bills Game with friends and I am so excited!! It is going to be really cold, but sunny so I can work with that! Go Bills!

12. What I'm looking forward to next month...Our annual gingerbread party! We have a bunch of good friends and their daughters come for a really special holiday afternoon.
I'll post all the details on this fun tradition next week! This year is our 5th annual party!

13. What else is new...not much else!

Bonus Question...What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
Every year before we eat, we go around the table and each say something we are thankful for. I love hearing what each person has to say. One year, my parents were re-doing their dining room and the walls were bare drywall. We all wrote what we were thankful for on the walls! So fun to know that under the paint holds lots of memories from that Thanksgiving!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family! We will be back on Friday with some of our Friday favorites. I hope you will join us....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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