Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up #5

Oh hey Monday! After a busy week with Halloween, it felt good to have a low key weekend and an extra hour in the day on Sunday! Maddie had a long week too and was happy to hang out on the patio this beautiful weekend!
Here's a peek into life with us over the last few days! Luke has been obsessed with reading lately. He just can't read enough. We have been making weekly trips to the library and he loves it. He puts his wallet in his pocket and loves scanning his card and checking out his own books!

Friday night Ella and I went to a fundraiser for my sister's dance company "Moving Miracles". We go every year and Ella just loves it.
This is me, along with Ella, my sister Emma, and my mom.

My mom organizes the basket auction and it's the highlight for Ella. She helps sell tickets and also loves to buy tickets to win things herself!
Ella and my Dad selling tickets!
So happy she won! A movie basket!

Saturday was a much needed house day... taking down Halloween decor, cleaning, laundry and grocery shopping.
Doesn't get much better than Wegmans and hot chocolate.

We had some good friends over for pizza later that night. So fun to catch up with them and the kids were so excited to see each other! Love a night in with friends!

Luke got to raking the leaves Sunday morning after church. He said he was going to start a business with his friend Nathan raking leaves. He raked for almost 11 minutes, so I am not sure how the business plan looks!

Sunday afternoon was a family hike....sorry for the picture overload below. So much cool scenery to check out!
Behind this waterfall is the "Eternal Flame". Always stays lit, due to natural gas running through.. it's pretty cool to see

A family selfie!

Ella wanted an action shot of kicking leaves! I swear she can extend her leg past her head!

After our hike we had ice Buffalo...Yay!!!

So that was our weekend. I hope you all enjoyed your weekends too! Here's an idea for a delicious Meatless Monday! Click on the picture for the link to recipe!

I'm linking up with some other bloggers on Wednesday for a fun post! If I were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 pieces of outerwear could I not live without??? This was a fun post to do! Think about your 3 favorites....what would you take? Hope to see you then....there's always room for one more at our family table!
ps-Don't forget to vote on Tuesday!

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