Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up #6

Wow... I cannot believe we are halfway through November this week. This weekend I felt like I needed to get my holiday plans into motion...with it getting dark so early I seem to lose all motivation after dinner! But after my first Peppermint Mocha in a red cup...that was it... full blown holiday spirit for me!!
Cozy scarf, a vest,boots and a red staples for the next few weeks!

Our weekend kicked off a little early, with the kids being home from school on Friday. Thursday night I surprised Ella and took her to get her ears pierced. She had them pierced about a year ago and strangely her ear lobe "split" and the hole was gone. It was not some traumatic thing... just randomly came out of the shower one night saying, "Mama my earring fell out". I was horrified and ready to take her in for a plastic surgery consult! But... I opted for a call to the pediatrician instead. The doctor had us come in and take a look. I was so happy when they said it should heal on it's own and she could re-pierce in 6-12 months. She had been asking forever and it has been over a year, so off we went after dance on Thursday!
New earrings and a Gingerbread Frappuccino....Life is Good!

Friday I finally got to experience the craze of LuLaRoe leggings. And friends they did not disappoint....the most comfortable leggings ever! Now the patterns are a little crazy, but I was able to find two pair I thought I could work with.
Yes they are a far cry from my standard solid black, but I think with a tunic length sweater and high black boots I can wear them without feeling too loud! 

Saturday we ventured out to take E & L's pictures for our Christmas card. Of course I wanted to get the dog in the pic seemed like a really great plan.....until we got out of the car and Luke decided he wanted to hold Maddie's leash. She saw a squirrel and took off, dragging Luke through the mud. His pants were covered in mud! I decided to stand him behind the dog to hide the mud stains. On top of the mud fiasco, it was freezing and 30 mile an hour winds and Ella started crying because she was cold. Then Paul started singing "Its' the most wonderful time of the year!" We abandoned our photo shoot and went home. What a scene! We will try again soon!
Don't be fooled be her cute face! Ha!

Paul and I went out for dinner with some friends on Saturday. We tried a new place and loved it! The concept of the restaurant was to order several small plates and share at the table... hence the name of the restaurant...Share. We tried lots of different things and loved them all! 
This was "The Ball". The largest meatball I have ever seen. We split it 4 ways....sooooo good!

And I was excited to wear my fur vest for the first time this season! I got it last year for my birthday from the cutest shop in our hometown. They have a very similar one this year, along with some other colors too! Check out Research and Design and be sure to follow them on Instagram!

Sunday morning we stopped to visit my parents & sister after church.  My mom gave us all flannel sheets!! They are so cute and cozy...I may never leave my bed!

We had big plans to put up our outdoor lights, but it was so darn windy! Both days we had 30 mile an hour winds and that gave neither of us the motivation to get out there. So I settled for a cozy scarf, hot tea, and some Thanksgiving food inspiration. 

That brings us to Monday and a new recipe for your Meatless Monday. I stumbled across this one a few years ago from a friend that posted on FB, Spinach and Black Bean Enchiladas.  They are so good and filling! I adapted a few things within the original recipe.  I add twice as much spinach, because we love spinach and why not get more veggies in. I also use about half the cheese that is called for. We serve them with a dollop of plain Greek yogurt, avocado and fresh peppers. 
 Spinach & Black Bean Enchiladas

I hope you guys all had a great weekend too! We will be back on Wednesday...talking about some gift ideas for the kids. Be sure to stop by....there's always room for one more at our family table.

2 comments on "Weekend Wrap Up #6"
  1. Share is one of my favorite restaurants near me! Did you get the bread with honey and ricotta? Soooo good!


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