Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up & What we are eating this week!

Thanksgiving week!!! Yay! These are my most favorite 6 weeks of the year. So many fun things to do, the lights, the smells, I love all the magic of this season!
We had a whirlwind weekend! Friday kicked off with an amazing day....73 degrees in November! That is something to celebrate! Maddie found herself a pile of leaves in the sunshine and could barely keep her eyes open!
Even with our 73 degree day, there was a lake effect snow warning in place for Sunday! 
 I mean, how do you have near 70 degree temps and a lake effect snow warning??

Anyway, Paul's good friend from college came in for a visit with his family and they took the kids up to their college campus to reminisce. A beautiful day to tour the campus and the kids thought it was the coolest school ever!
Saturday morning we had like a 15 minute window before the weather took a downhill turn and we jumped at the chance to try our Christmas pictures again!
It took a pocket full of treats, but I think we got a great shot! I'll share it with you next month.

Our pics from the last two years.

Paul & Luke took our friends to dinner and then to see the Sabres hockey game, and Ella and I were off to a wedding reception. Does that ever happen to you? Get invited to a bunch of things all on the same day?? I feel like we have nothing going on for a few weekends and then BAM....6 things on the same day! That's how Saturday was... friends in from out of town, Sabres tickets, wedding reception, Luke's friend's birthday party, my nephew's school play, and the grand opening of my cousin's new shop. Yes...all on Saturday! We had to choose what we could do and divide and conquer!
Speaking of my cousin's shop, we may not have made it to the grand opening, but we did have one of their pieces as a wedding gift.
I mean how cute is this!!! A perfect gift. Local friends....check out Buffalo Collective. You can grab your girlfriends and go make a super cute pallet sign.
Ella and I had a great time at the wedding! It's always fun to have some one on one time with my girl, and she loved getting all dressed up.

It was a long and snowy drive home, so we stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a hot chocolate. She was giggling the whole time because we were dressed so fancy in a donut shop on a Saturday night!

Sunday morning we said goodbye to our friends, but not before we introduced them to Paula's Donuts....

And then... we started to deck the halls!!! I decorate A LOT around the house... and it takes me a long time, so I got a jump on it.  We don't host Thanksgiving, so I figure why not! The tree won't go up until next weekend. 
I have a lot of little details around the house and group items in gallon bags that go to a certain room or tree.  It makes it so much easier to remember what goes where! 

I didn't get too crazy.. just started with some of the family room decorations and our foyer. Then took a minute to enjoy the snow fall, the Bills win, and my snowman mug!
I thought I would share a peek at the meal prep I did Sunday afternoon.  This is kind of a crazy week with the holiday, and we will only be home for dinner Sunday through Wednesday, so my meal prep was pretty easy. I chopped up some veggies for lunches and kids snacks and some honeydew melon for breakfast or an easy snack. Also did our version of fruit snacks... grapes and clementines in individual portions. I made lasagna for dinner and chopped the broccoli to go with it. The big bag in the picture is for our dinner on Tuesday night.
Sunday - Lasagna & steamed broccoli. It's cold and snowy and lasagna seemed the perfect dinner. I load mine with extra spinach and less cheese and pair with broccoli.
Monday- Lasagna again!! I always think its better the second day. We will have it with a salad. I can just toss some of my pre-cut veggies into the salad.
Tuesday- Asian chicken lettuce wraps. Have you ever had the lettuce wraps at PF Changs? Those were my inspiration for this recipe and the kids love them! I chop up Napa cabbage, peppers, onion, and carrots on prep day and then dump the bag in a wok and it cooks up really quick! I grab a rotisserie chicken and add that in. I add in some liquid aminos or Wegmans Organic Teryaki sauce and then fill up the lettuce cups... so good!
Wednesday - Grilled salmon & asparagus..... a pretty simple week!

Kids are enjoying their first snowfall and a short week at school. A two day week.. one of which is PJ day!!

And speaking of cute are these? I just love them.. especially because my kids call me Mama. Click on the picture if you want to grab these too!

 Kids Pjs  Mama Bear PJs

See you back here on Wednesday.....sharing some things on my wishlist and a few of Paul's favorites too! Hope you will join us...there's always room for one more at our family table.

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