Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Spooktacular Halloween Night

What a fun night! But gosh today is going to be hard! #latenight #toomuchcandy
Not looking forward to getting the kids moving this morning. Much appreciation to all the teachers out there today....going to be a long day! I strongly believe Halloween should be on the last Saturday of October every year! Who is with me?
The kids looked great heading off to school to celebrate with their classmates.

Of course we had a fun Halloween dinner! E & L requested Mummy dogs. We also had "broken bones", which was roasted cauliflower. 

After dinner we got back into our costumes and got ready to go Trick or Treating.
We put Maddie in her costume too.....
She is licking the peanut butter off her was my bribe to get her costume on!
Paul usually takes the kids through the neighborhood with some of the other Dads while I pass out candy, but he got stuck at work.....bummer! So thankful for great neighbors that took Ella and Luke with their kids. I stayed at the house to pass out candy. I love seeing all the kids in their costumes!!
Ella and Luke came home and immediately started sorting their candy. My brother and I did this every year too! I think it was my favorite part of Halloween night!
This makes it much easier for me to decide which piece to eat...instead of digging through the pumpkin pail!

Well that's a wrap for Halloween 2016! And I kind of feel like this......
I absolutely LOVE the Christmas season....the sounds, the food, the colors, the traditions...the magic of it all!!! But I won't start blogging about Christmas....yet!

 Join me tomorrow as I share our family's thankful tree.....there's always room for one more at our family table!

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