Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites - Thanksgiving Edition

Happy Friday friends!!! I hope you all had a beautiful Thanksgiving with your families and are eating pie for breakfast! Tell me I am not the only one???   Working retail my whole life, I have always worked on this day and for the last 20 years pumpkin pie has always been my breakfast on Black Friday!! So here's to all the retail warriors out there!
I am linking up with these girls....AndreaErika, and Narci to share our Friday Favorites.

A few favorites from this week...
Our friends that visited last weekend brought a basket full of yumminess. We split these caramel apples and they were a special treat after dinner Sunday night!

We finally took the kids to see trolls! As if I needed another reason to love Justin Timberlake! What a great movie! Such fun music!! #ILOVEJT
Watching our Thankful tree fill up. I love all the school projects that come home. The stuff the kids write about being thankful for just makes me smile. 

Walking into Ella's bedroom and seeing this....
She has a picture of us taped to the lamp at her bedside. #sweetestthingever

Spending Thanksgiving at my brother's house! 
Loved being together with my family....
the kids hanging with their cousins...
a busy kitchen....
some football...
sweet placecards....
and AMAZING food....
So thankful for a great day! And to top it off, the kids were invited to spend the night at my brother's house. They were so excited! And so were Paul and I!  

So now it's the official kick off to the shopping season! Although I have a pretty good jump on my shopping!
Here are a few of my favorite deals from last night.. into this morning.
So if you have not gotten these adorable family PJs I talked about, the time is now and they are 30% off!
I need a pair for Maddie too!

Target has a great deal on one get one 50% select brands. A good deal you can get online and avoid the crowds!
My kids have really been into reading and I thought some bean bag chairs would be fun to hang out on and do some reading. I found this super cute fuzzy bean bag chair and Target. They also have an adorable corduroy one too!

And staying with Target...all apparel and accessories are 30% off, so I picked up some pants for Luke. Not sure about the other boy moms out there, but he is tough on his pants!!! I'm talking holes through the knees, mud and he is just growing like crazy! He loves the athletic style and at $6.99 it was time to stock up!

I grabbed Ella some jeans at Old Navy. The whole site is 50% off. This ballerina jegging fits her really well.
 Ballerina Jeans
And if you remember her wish to Paris were at the top of the list. Found this shirt & PJs for 50% off at Justice. Perfect for any little girl dreaming of Paris!

If you haven't checked out some of my kids gift ideas, you can read that post here.
And some adult ideas here.

I hope you all get out today and tomorrow to support your local small businesses! We have some great shops here and I plan to pick up a few gifts at Research & Design, Bella Casa and Prima Oliva. You can't beat shopping your local stores...seeing friends and neighbors out and about and be sure to stop in a local spot for lunch and coffee! 

I am excited to finish up our Christmas decorations and get the tree up and decorated.....and maybe the Elf will make his appearance this weekend!  We will be back on Monday with our weekend wrap up and a recipe for your Meatless Monday. Hope to see you then... there's always room for one more at our family table.

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