Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

How We Wednesdays......2018 Goals

Happy Wednesday friends! Not sure about you, but this feels like the first full "back to reality" week since Thanksgiving! It's been an uneventful week filled with school, homework, dance, work, play practice, basketball practice and more. I know it sounds like a lot for an uneventful week, but there are no parties to go to or appetizers to make!
And although I welcome the calm and am happy to be back to a routine...this has seemed like a long week!
So let's have some fun with our first edition of How We Wednesday for 2018!
Last year I linked up with Shay & Erika for Workin' It Wednesdays and they are back this year with a fun new link up.
Here is the list of this year's topics. So be sure to check in the second Wednesday of each month for a little peek at "How We....." do life!
This month is how we do goals, resolutions. I will say the same thing I did last year and say I am not a big resolution person, but I do like to set a few goals or things to work on for the coming year. I shared my goals last year and two of them will stay on here for this year and I am adding a new one.
Last year I wanted to focus on reading more, and I set a goal of two books per month. I ended the year with having read 36 books! I am pretty darn proud of myself!
I really enjoyed my reading time, so daily reading is a goal of mine this year again. I shared my top ten books from 2017 last week, so if reading is one of your goals too, be sure to check it out
I had a gift card and just placed an order for a few books, so here is a peek at what I am starting my year with.
What Alice Forgot 
The Secrets of Midwives
One True Loves
A Wrinkle in Time
Confessions of a Domestic Failure

Next up on my goals for 2018 is to incorporate more plant based meals into our weekly meal plan. Not sure if it was all the snacks I had in December, but I have been craving all the vegetables! I have been trying out quite a few recipes in the kitchen, like this Butternut Squash & Carmelized Onion Pasta....
And this Golden Soup with Roasted Chickpeas....
Starting next Monday, I am going to share a favorite meatless meal here on the blog. I will share one every Monday in the coming year. So if eating more veggies is on your list for 2018, stay tuned....lots of yummy ideas coming your way!
This was on my list last year too, but I think it should be on everyone's list....the whole YOLO concept. Each year, I think more and more that life should be more about experiences than stuff.  I recapped  our 2017 last week, and as I looked back, I thought...gosh we sure did a lot of fun stuff! We did stuff as a family, as a couple, with friends, and with family.... it was a great year!
I love that we have family memories riding tandem bikes....
and going on a gator tour......
I love that we took every opportunity in the Summer to get out on the water.....
 That we played a sport as a family.....
 That we jumped at the random chance to go to a rock concert......
And that we got to fish at sunset..... 
So my goal for 2018 is to have a whole new chapter of memories to look back on.
Image result for fill your life with adventures not things
 We have already planned a few fun trips and we have talked about other things we want to do this year, places to visit and concerts to go to. 
I hope 2018 leads you on lots of adventures too!
See you tomorrow....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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4 comments on "How We Wednesdays......2018 Goals"
  1. Yeah to meatless recipes! I always try to plan at least 2 veggie only meals a week but sometimes I feel like we get burnt out on the same things over & over again, can't wait to see what you share and try new things! :)

  2. Yay for traveling! I love to experience things with my kids too. Showing them the world is the best gift.
