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A Little Post About Reading.......

Last year I made it one of my goals for the year to read a bit more. I did pretty well with that goal, fell back in love with reading and have it as a goal again for this year. Lately I have gotten a few messages asking me when I have time to read.  So I thought I would share a little post about just case reading is on your goal list for this year.

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First, let's go back a bit. I have always enjoyed reading. As a kid I can't ever remember complaining about reading & with a mom that was a teacher, we had a pretty extensive book collection. I read quite a bit in my early adulthood (aka before kids). I especially loved vacation reading. I could always read 4-6 books on vacation. Nothing beats the beach and a book in my book.(Ha! See what I did there?😉)
Then let's be real, we had two kids 18 months apart and reading anything other than Chicka Chicka Boom Boom was just not happening. And even if I tried to pick up a book before bed, I was usually asleep after reading a few lines!
My kids both really love reading. They read every night for at least 30 minutes. So last year I thought why am I not reading when they are? I was probably picking things up around the house or mindlessly scrolling my phone. I decided to scratch all that and fall in love with reading again!
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I try to read each night with the kids. We grab our books, find a cozy spot and relax and read for 30 minutes or so.
Luke will read anywhere!! 
Ella prefers to read together in her bed.
And they love when we all climb in my bed to read. 
I read every Saturday & Sunday morning. I am usually up pretty early (a couple hours before everyone else). And that quiet time with a book and coffee is my favorite time of the week! 
And when the weather is nice, I take that same routine outside when I can... which makes it even better!
I love to sit and read on the patio while the kids are playing outside with friends.  
As I mentioned, nothing beats vacation reading. Lost in a book with no worries..... 
I shared  a post about what's in my bag. I always try to carry my book in my purse. That way whenever I have a few minutes I can read a bit. Waiting for kids to get out of an activity or at a doctor appointment... I am always thankful to have a book on hand. 
I love going to the library and bookstores. I have not been able to transition to an e-reader or read on my phone. I love a book in my hand and wandering around book stores!
So I guess I just read in pockets of my life. Times when I may have scrolled my phone or watched TV, I now grab a book. I love getting to know characters in a book and letting my imagination go with it. I am so happy I got back into reading and even happier I have two little readers!
You can check out some of my favorite books from last year.
I'm off to go read!
See you's book review day! There's always room for one more at our family table.

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1 comment on "A Little Post About Reading......."
  1. I try to be conscious too of when I'm on my phone too much and put it down to pick up a book. I don't have an e-reader but I just started dabbling in reading on my phone, it isn't my favorite way but sometimes it is WAY quicker to get a book from my library electronically than waiting months on hold for the physical copy. I'm fortunate that I carpool with my husband to work & he drives, so I usually read on our 30 minute commute!
