Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year friends! I am back after a little blogging break and excited to kick off this new year! We had a fun few weeks of Christmas fun (more to come on that) and I am settling into week 3 of my new job and loving it! 
The past few years I have shared my goals for the year here on the blog, so I thought I would make my first post of 2019 about my goals for the year ahead.
So this quote is technically a few days late, but I still love it.
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Last year my goals were to continue reading more, take some fun adventures and eat more plant based meals.  Well I am happy to say that 2018 was a fun year and I did pretty well with those goals.  
I read over 40 books last year (a few more than in 2017) that was a win! And I will share my favorites here next week.
We had some fun adventures....
And we ate lots of veggies...
So for this year I plan to continue with those three.... keep reading more, eating more plant based meals and saying yes to new adventures!
And I am going to add one more for this year. As of yesterday I have said goodbye to social media. 
Image result for social media meme
While I love how it allows us to connect to people, I found myself more and more attached to my phone and felt it was time to take a break. You can follow along here on the blog, but I have deleted Instagram and Facebook. I may check back later in the year, but for now I am done.😉
Oh and I think I want to run another half marathon. It has been a while since my last one and I am getting the urge to do one again!
How about you? Any goals you have set for this year?
See you soon, there is always room for one more at our family table.
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