Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day

 Hi is a special day....3.21 or World Down Syndrome Day!

I wanted to reshare my post from a few years ago on this's my favorite post and I added a few udpates. 
My sister Emma has Down Syndrome...but that's about the last thing that defines her. Her thoughtfulness, her caring heart, her ability to see the good in everyone and her open arms for a hug are what make her a celebrity.

 At least around these parts...everyone knows Emma!

A few updates since last post... we made it to the NKOTB concert, but unfortunately she did not end up on stage with Donnie. We travelled to Boston in search of him, but no luck. Still looking for a connection to him😉

We have celebrated World Down Syndrome Day with some of our favorite friends!

So I will share my post below, with a few updated pictures and would love it if you could help us celebrate today by doing one random act of kindness for someone. A smile, a hug, a cup of coffee... that's the spirit of Emma...always looking to brighten someone's day.  

 I thought this is a perfect time to introduce you to my sister, Emma. Although she is pretty much celebrated daily!

Emma is 7 1/2 years younger than me and I still remember the day my parents brought her home from the hospital. My brother and I were swimming in our backyard pool and I was so excited to have a sister!! Pretty much the best sister ever.....

My parents have been her biggest supporters. She has been involved in so many activities and programs that have helped shape her into the amazing young lady she is today. They have pushed for her when needed and never asked for or expected to be treated any differently. Emma attended a high school with a focus on culinary arts and went on to complete a young adult transitional program at a local community college. Just like everyone else, she finished her college program and landed a she has held for over 15 years.  I am so proud of my parents for the independence they have given Emma!

She is also pretty much a star in her own right. People don't really know who I am, and I will say I am Emma's sister and they will be like...oh ok, I know Emma! Ha! Of course... everyone knows Emma....and that's just how she likes it. 

She will walk up to anyone in a party and introduce herself and probably offer a hug. If someone walks into the room, she is the first to go over and say hello and welcome them in. If you are on the dance floor at a wedding, she will be dancing right next to you. And if you are not out there, watch out, because she is probably coming for you! Seriously...she just loves for everyone around her to be happy and having a good time!
She has been a food service worker in a local school for over 1years. It's a job she loves and one she does well. Ask her what she does and she will tell you she is "feeding the children of  America". She loves her co- workers and always remembers them on their birthday or holidays by bringing in their favorite drink or snack. They have celebrated her as well, and some have come to watch her perform in her annual dance recital.

She loves coloring, dancing, the Buffalo Sabres and Donnie Walhberg. Gosh does she love Donnie.... a die hard fan of Blue Bloods and NKOTB. If anyone has a connection to get her to meet him, I will be forever in your debt!!

Now onto "Aunt Emma".....a topic I could talk about for days! I am not sure there is anyone that is more proud to have the role as an aunt. She loves to introduce her niece and nephews to anyone that meets them.

She loves when they pick her up at work. And she never comes over empty handed! Whether a favorite toy, snack or book.... Emma loves to give to her niece and nephews.

She sends cards at every holiday and includes money... in the amount equal to their age. She is an amazing godmother to my Luke and my nephew Nicholas.

And while she has a great bond with the boys, the one she has with Ella is like none other. They are like two peas in a pod...Ella keeps her up to date with her Iphone and helps with all her music downloads. They bond over music, shopping and sleepovers!

I could go on and on..... the bottom line is I am a better person because of Emma. My kids have amazing hearts because of her. Everyone she meets leaves feeling a little more loved. Everyone should be lucky enough to have an Emma in their life.........

Enjoy your day friends! See you later this week....there's always room for one more at our family table.
1 comment on "Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day"
  1. My niece has Down Syndrome and my son was born on her 20th birthday :) We always say that we are better because of the Bailey in our life and it has helped my kids to not be afraid of someone that is different and can relate to them better.


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